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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. Hehehe, Johnnyboy, the rest of us will gladly look the other way if you want to smack him around a little while. Matter of fact, most of us enjoy smacking him ourselves every now and then!
  2. Re: This Noob Suggests..... Hahahahha, that is funny! Sanny, I never thought that! If anyone here fits that bill, it is me - hehe - since I got the highest post. But then again, Curly is a close runner up. Truthfully, I doubt either one of us care if someone thinks we post too much - hehe! -=Jasen=-
  3. Re: Toy No, definately not necessary. Many of us don't own one and do low-n-slows just fine. Some people recommend not getting one at least until after you have learned to control the temps on your own. I don't have one for several reasons. 1. I'm a cheap scape 2. I hate technology...and one more thing to learn to work don't sound good. If it weren't fot those 2 minor issues, I'd probably get one. But you can cook low-n-slows just fine without them. Totally agree, but this gives you piece of mind with an overnight cook and $50-100 worth on meat on the grill. I like having the remote to monitor temps (unlike a maverick or other brand with very limited range, the Guru remotes works great for extended ranges - I believe it is 600). Also, if my food hits it temp in the middle of the night, it can auto shut itself down or hold at a certain temp. Oh yeah, the geek factor is there with this setup. And I am just the opposite of your number 2 statement, I love new things to learn and tech toys! But for someone who does not, I can see where they just want to keep it simple. Though the Competitor is pretty simple. -=Jasen=-
  4. Fred never sent you a Competitor or other model to review? They should really do that since it is the most popular model. Oh well, here is a link to the Competitor anyway - http://www.thebbqguru.com/bbqCompetitor.cfm . Ok, I am adding a ProCom link too, just in case - http://www.thebbqguru.com/bbqProcom4.cfm . -=Jasen=-
  5. Just do a search for my username or -=jasen=- and guru and you will see I favor the Guru. The only reason I would go with a Stoker is if I were gonna use the internet feature. Other than that, it would be the Guru. And if you were extra special and Santa would let you, I would go for the gold and get the ProCom - it is a really amazing piece of equipment! Even if you do not go for a ProCom, I still like the Guru models so you can mount them on the fan and out of the way. Also, I like the 10 cfm fan best. 5 cfm will do, but the 10 will get it there faster and you can use it for those high temp cooks if you remove the probes and just use the blower. -=Jasen=-
  6. Yeah, I like the part about the homemade smoker too. Yeah, trust this eBay seller who lies through his teeth about most everything he said in his auction - hehehe. That is why I try my best to find my stuff from somewhere other than EBay if I can. The funny part is 9 times out of 10, I end up finding it cheaper somewhere else too. Just gotta be diligent. -=Jasen=-
  7. Re: Beef Jerky Setup on Kamado You know, I thought those pics looked mighty familiar. Someone must have stole AlanZ's pics off his website for their Ebay auction. http://www.zenreich.com/ZenWeb/beefjerky.htm -=Jasen=-
  8. Little better deal here on the 10 shelf model - http://877myjuicer.zoovy.com/product/SS ... DEHYDRATOR Though I did notice this 10 shelf comes with the chromed shelves instead of the SS. -=Jasen=-
  9. Just for info here, I use my regular kitchen oven with $29 racks from Cabela's and have been perfectly happy. Now I never had a nice dehydrator like these guys, so I cannot speak of the differences, but my jerky goes pretty darn fast too. Oh yeah, did you check out the 10 shelf model? I posted a link in my edit above. Looks like much more bang for your buck if you are going that route. -=Jasen=-
  10. Looks like a really nice model. Maybe you could do a google search on it for reviews or opinions. I usually find a little something out there for just about anything. I will tell you this, I have bought from SausageMaker.com before and always been pleased with them. -=Jasen=- Just looking around a bit more, it seems like this model is more bang for your buck, at only a $75 difference, you double you capacity. ( http://www.sausagemaker.com/index.asp?P ... ProdID=208 ) Trust me, it is easier to make one big batch occasionally than several smaller batches more often. And once you get into it, the stuff is addictive and your whole family will be begging you to make it. If you use a cure and vacuum seal it, the stuff will last for a long time (well theoritically anyway as I have never had a batch last that long).
  11. I wish I did. Yes it is a luxury but one that contributes to a better lifestyle so I am willing to pay it. People pay the same amount for cigarettes and booze as I do for my trainer. Different priorities I guess. Hey, I resemble that booze remark! -=Jasen=-
  12. You allow her to speak? It does, but I don't let is boil and it doesn't get any 'hot spots' like you do in a m'wave. I have seen plastic melted on food in one spot and the food is still cold (except near the melted spot) The instructions that came with my food saver tell you not to use any food saver bags with oily items in the microwave as they tend to melt the plastic. Hell that would mean Curly cannot put nuttin' in the microwave? -=Jasen=-
  13. I doubt that is possible with you. I figured you were saturated after the first half of the sentence! hehe -=Jasen=- I was hoping my wife would get imparted back to Mexico...but they won't take her back. So does that have the same meaning then as you brain imparted your head? -=Jasen=-
  14. I doubt that is possible with you. I figured you were saturated after the first half of the sentence! hehe -=Jasen=-
  15. It kinda reminds me of a 70's era villain of the Super Friends or something - hehehe! -=Jasen=-
  16. I like to use center round (also referred to as eye round) as it is very lean. Bottom round is good too. I hear some folks use chuck, but dang that would have to be a lot of cuttin' to get that lean enough. -=Jasen=-
  17. Yeah, it can react with other seasons and also imparts off flavors. Also, if you do use it, use way less than what a recipe calls for as it is much stronger too. -=Jasen=-
  18. I was wondering what the hell it was. I thought maybe is was some kinda obscure football teams helmet insignia. -=Jasen=-
  19. If I had a choice, boiling it in the bag would be preferred over microwave. But I imagine the microwave would not be too different, but you do have to make sure the bag is vented in the microwave. I just got a foodsaver last week and love it already. Sam's has a really nice deal; the V2480 (newest model), 2 rolls of bags, 2 vacuum canisters and the mason jar sealer all for $118 ( http://www.samsclub.com/shopping/naviga ... tem=165481 ). It might not be up to commercial model standards, but for $118 I can handle it and think it does a great job! Now I gotta get that marinade container next! -=Jasen=-
  20. One of my friends that used to own a restaurant showed me a nice tip on reheating meats in the microwave (which was something I was totally against). What you are doing Curly is very similar which works good. But he laid the meats out on a plate and covered them with a wet towel or wet paper towel and barely cooks them just till they are hot and not a second more as then they start to dry out. Hmm, might make a nice tip for the technique section? -=Jasen=-
  21. Just a tip for a happy medium (literally) from someone who likes a medium steak, but the wife likes well done. Someone a long time ago gave me this tip on aging beef from a flavor point of view. And then I found out it helps in other ways as I end up with a medium steak, that is not bloody in the least, so my wife will eat it too. Anyway, you take the steaks and lay them on a bed of paper towels, several layers thick and place this all in a sealed container in the fridge (must be sealed or the blood will dry out on the surface and stop the process). Every day, you change the paper towels, carefully noting the side the steak were laying so you can place them back the same way. After 3-4 days the steak will be thoroughly drained of all the blood and ready to marinade. But now instead of needing a overnight marinade, you only need about an hour as the steak will suck up the marinade. You will be able to cook it medium, taste medium and look more like med-well as there is no blood. It also give the steak a better flavor getting all the blood out before it is cooked. I later found it works great for thick pork chops too; they just do not need nearly as long - usually a day will do. -=Jasen=-
  22. At 190-200 it will be falling apart like Que. Do you want it well done (able to slice it) or falling apart (like que)? If you just want it well done, you can take it off at 160 center temp (medium for beef), wrap it in several layers of tin foil and place it in an insulated cooler to rest for another hour. I usually place towels in it too to remove any extra airspace and insulate the meat more. It will continue to cook and should reach your 170 (well done for beef) mark in about an hour. After you unwrap it, might wanna let it sit out on your cutting board an additional 30 minutes to cool or risk loosing all your juice on the first cut. -=Jasen=- Here is a tip for you since your wife likes well done! viewtopic.php?p=8567#8567
  23. Someone in a previous post got it; Dennis discontinued the meat hanger since he had the rotisserie option. Why would you want to hang it when you could rotisserie it. I guess the attachment holders are still on the grill grate probably because he had a bunch of them made up. But I would be willing to bet that if someone really wanted a hanger, he would make it for them. -=Jasen=-
  24. Few more things I was thinking about, not sure if anyone mentioned it, but jerky has to be very, very lean. Fat will turn rancid very quickly on jerky. Also, if you are using a recipe that does not use a cure, you should keep the jerky refrigerated (Hi Mountain blends use a cure). -=Jasen=-
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