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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. ThreeDJ16

    chick chick

    Re: chick chick Cool, how bout some pics?? -=Jasen=- Argh, you must have been adding them while I was typing- hehe! Kinda looks like that chicken is laying an egg from the wrong end - hehe.
  2. Re: Fiery-Foods? Just checked it out online and they have some interesting articles. I might have to start a subscription to it. I used to get chili pepper magazine. They started out really good, but after a few years they started getting to much into fancy high end restaurant reviews and recipes; seemed to loose sight of where they started and completely lost my interests. -=Jasen=-
  3. Nuttin' fancy but I like these (pepperballs) - http://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/product.asp?order_num=-1&SKU=10755832 and you can find them cheaper at WallyWorld. Easily changes from very course to very fine and anywhere in between with a twist of a knob. It does not grind, it grates and it uses a metal grater and the grate adjustment is a pressure plate. I have had it for many years without fail. Though I tried one for salt and it kept getting clogged in the grating mechanism, but it works great for pepper and pretty fast too. For the table I use these (Alessi) - http://www.thisnext.com/item/1222F87F/Vigo-Alessi-Whole-Peppercorns . They have salt, black, white, mixed pepper and several spice combos all with built in grinders. Not adjustable or refillable, but it is a good brand of seasons and I get new mills every time I buy them. They are available at Publix around here. I am also starting to notice a lot of restaurants are using them too. -=Jasen=-
  4. ThreeDJ16


    What that hell is bar? Something new we gotta look out for? -=Jasen=-
  5. And would this be a basic skill for an attorney Meow, meow! hehe - Yeah, just stirring the pot a little. -=Jasen=-
  6. Re: When I Used To Work In The Container Shipping Business.. There ya go buddy; that is the ticket! I will second that emotion ! If it makes you feel better, if there are any 360 games we have in common, I will even let you win tonight - hehe! -=Jasen=-
  7. Re: Just use the Image Shack I used ImageShack the first couple of times, but I prefer to see the full size pictures loaded in the forum, not the "click to see full size" you get with ImageShack.... YMMV Imageshack will let you put whatever size pics you wish on the forum. It is that postimage.org that only puts the thumbnail image on the post. If you use the imageshack toolbar (install just below the posting text window) it even has an image re-sizer built right into the tool bar. And FYI, the medium fits perfect - small mem size and correct for window. -=Jasen=-
  8. All I see is a black fury chair cushion? Where is the dog? -=Jasen=-
  9. Sure...Curly gets you and you have to come after me....You are too scared of Curly's wife. Your smaller! -=Jasen=-
  10. Whaddaya laughing at?? HmmH? hehehe Where's yours? Hehehe? -=Jasen=-
  11. I thought that was Curly and his wife in the background? -=Jasen=-
  12. Great things are worth waiting for! -=Jasen=-
  13. Oh yah, pre-smoked by little Indonesian chicks in grass skirts? heh, heh, heh! Gettin' happy now! -=Jasen=-
  14. Oh yeah, great picture - - must be really smoky as I cannot see nuttin'! Got flash? -=Jasen=-
  15. I gotta remove that damn pic posting feature! argh! -=Jasen=-
  16. Nah, that is red and white not pink! -=Jasen=-
  17. Your gonna get smut on the ceiling! When I had a grill on my porch, the ceiling was white, so it was pretty noticeable when it turned tan and brown. Though nothing a pressure washer would not take care of. If your porch roof is natural wood, it probably will not be noticeable. You could look into an exhaust system is it was an issue. Also think about the area where the smoke will escape from under the porch (overhangs), as they are gonna get smutty too over time. I moved my grills into the yard near the porch, and I still have to pressure wash the ceiling over my porch occasionally. I see no other dangers involved other than watching it with the lid open as flames can get pretty high quick, be careful with draft door open until you get the new safety screen and making sure your porch decking can hold the loading. Also, if you were to put this in an enclosed porch, you could do so with an exhaust fan. I have seen plenty of installs with that configuration. Though I would recommend doing some research or consult a profession on air change over rates needed. Whenever I move next, I am going to make sure I have a really large screened in back porch. I am hoping Dennis will be making big teak grilling centers by then. I would much rather have my grill under a porch as is sucks trying to grill in the rain . And no darn white ceiling in it either - hehe. -=Jasen=-
  18. Cute kid! Nothing like gnawing on a good bone. Though when it comes to steaks, I prefer a tenderloin (small side of the porterhouse or T-bone) or ribeye! -=Jasen=-
  19. I really would be an awesome idea if it worked properly and had a decent life span. I mean being able to look at the tiles on your grill to tell an approximate temp would kick ass. Ah but still just a dream. I still think the metal tiles I was looking at were cooler though. I just worried about the metal expanding and cracking the grout. But they were 1 inch copper patina tiles and they looked killer! -=Jasen=-
  20. I accidentally pushed that red button. Sorry, could not help myself. -=Jasen=-
  21. Re: Forum was down It took a holiday break. -=Jasen=-
  22. Actually we had another thread going somewhere about these exact tiles. It would really be a cool idea for someone. Ouch, 30 sq ft, man that is a bunch more than what I thought. I did a little research into some metal tiles I thought would be really cool on this cooker, but it got really expensive, really quick! Oh well, dreams are cheap - hehe! -=Jasen=-
  23. WOW, $180 a square foot and I think these grills need like 17 square foot; so $3060 for just the tile! So that would make these about $4700 grills! Would be cool though as you could look at your tile to know what your temp was. -=Jasen=-
  24. Nope, we eat around 1pm usually on T-day! Yeah, deep fried whole chickens are great too. -=Jasen=-
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