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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. Here are the results of my efforts! Deep fried goodness - Mmmm. -=Jasen=- I have to say, I liked the brine better than injection on my turkey. I used 1 cup salt, 1 cup brown sugar, 1TB rosemary, 1TB marjoram, 1TB thyme, 1TB Sage, 1TB black pepper, 1/2 tsp nutmeg to 1 gallon water (boiled and cooled) for an 8 hour brine (11lb fresh non-injected turkey). Next time I will increase the brine time to 12-14 hours as I would have liked it a little stronger. I have always liked the turkeys I injected, but there were always pockets of flavor and it was never consistent throughout the meat. But the brining was very even throughout and very moist! Think I will stick with brining on fried turkeys. -=Jasen=-
  2. Cool Toy For Frying Fans! I was just looking around at some BBQ equipment website and stumbled across this very cool device. Not sure if anyone else gets aggravated having to keep messing with the gas valve to keep the oil temp correct (on outdoor fryers), but this little device solves that!!! http://www.bbqguys.com/item_Temperature ... _9320.html Anyway, just thought I would post it since it was very useful and neat! I know thermostats are nothing new, but I had never seen one for home outdoor fryers (and nothing close to a $40 price either). -=Jasen=-
  3. Sweetie, it is a twelve step program, ya got some work to do still!! -=Jasen=-
  4. I had to place my german shepherd on that medication for his allergies. He chewed the clasp off the food container and was free feeding. He gained 15 pounds so quickly. I started feeding him ice cubes to snack on, and he would eat multiple bowls at a sitting. I have also had friends tell me of the enormous hunger it gives them. Yes Sam, I fixed your quotes - can let you go around looking all forum challenged and everything - hehe! -=Jasen=-
  5. Leaddog...this may be a mischievious prank on the part of Curly with a credit towards Robin Williams.....In his monologue, Robin Williams at the Met, he jokes about a baby's waste product being a combination of nuclear waste and velcro. Given Curly's previous description of your color, and the current comment about glowing in the dark, I think Curly is pulling your leg again. Hahahahahahaa! Yeah, Curly thought about all of that when he was posting - ppfft - hahahahha! Come on Sam, this is Curly??? They don't even get cable were he lives - probably still watching 70's reruns! -=Jasen=-
  6. Great stuff, argh, I hate it. But my back is feeling GREAT! -=Jasen=-
  7. Yeah, Alton got a little nuts on that episode. I thought the ladder lowering rig for putting the turkey in the fryer was completely over the edge. Yup, love the rosemary, thyme, sage season under the skin too, but I add marjoram (or sub oregano) and nutmeg too it and use olive oil. I decided to do my fried turkey different this year. I normally do the Italian dressing and pepper injection. But I got a fresh non adulterated turkey (hehe) and will be brining before frying. I will use the standard salt and brown sugar, but adding those seasons listed above to the brine too. Be the first time I even brined a fried (or fired - hehe - Sam??) turkey.
  8. I'm going back to bed.....I had a quote and answer to the Vets Day issue and a quote and answer about the tu-tu. Somewhere along the way I did not get it all there. I think Deej is manipulating my posts MAHahwhwhwhahahahahahaha! This is great, I am messing with her, without having to do anything! Yup, she has definitely been into my medicine cabinet! Bad Sam, bad Sam, don't take the blue pills anymore! -=Jasen=-
  9. Hey, I resemble that remark! I'll have you know I was up by 1PM today! Your just jealous. -=Jasen=-
  10. Deej.....you could give netiquette lessons to the Jersey boy admin for the Mexi-K Thank you! To be honest, if the forum is not about fun (number one), learning about a cool ceramic KK cooker, cooking and anything else "we" feel like it, what good is it? I think other forums lost sight of the purpose of a forum - it is for the people who attend it. I do make attempts on occasion to focus certain topics on their intended subjects and move posts if subjects are available for them. But to delete posts like they do or make nasty warnings - that just ain't right! -=Jasen=-
  11. Actually, this is exactly why I created the Lagniappe section. It is for fun stuff that is totally irrelevant to the rest of the forum that you just want to share. Would be nice if some more folks posted in there. -=Jasen=-
  12. That's brick...very manly Looks like terra cotta (which is more orange) rather than brick (isn't that the color Dennis calls it anyway?). Don't know about your bricks, but ours are darker red. You just probably don't remember as they were being thrown at you. -=Jasen=- Well, bricks can be a lot of differnt colors, that happens to be the color of my last brick house I bet they were pink. -=Jasen=-
  13. I also had lots of condensation in my Mexi-K Guru port (rarely under 80% humidity here, especially if it is warm - hehe). But I used it quite frequently and never had a fan failure. If the fan was not running, the water would have just ran out on the ground the way my fan is positioned and would not of mattered with the fan running. I think they are also using the brush-less DC fans, with any connections being on the top side (at least with mine), I would have to go with coincidence too. -=Jasen=-
  14. That's brick...very manly Looks like terra cotta (which is more orange) rather than brick (isn't that the color Dennis calls it anyway?). Don't know about your bricks, but ours are darker red. You just probably don't remember as they were being thrown at you. -=Jasen=-
  15. Re: First cook A couple of questions, are you using Imageshack or the add image to post below this text window? What is the file type you are trying to upload and what is the size of the pic file? I highly suggest you download the imageshack toolbar, link below this text window. It has a built in image re-sizer, unploader and other tools conveniently on the bar. I have a suspicion your file size is too large. -=Jasen=-
  16. FYI, another lazy man's pizza dough; Publix sells a very tasty one made fresh daily in their bakery section - if you have a Publix that is! -=Jasen=-
  17. Too much Tequila & lemons - eh? hehe -=Jasen=-
  18. Re: When an ordinary potato is not enough... So, I guess this makes you 'da hoe'? -=Jasen=-
  19. Re: Almost ready Well, her mama gave the land to her, what can I say Like that mattered to begin with! What's hers is hers, what's yours is hers! But this you already knew! -=Jasen=-
  20. Damnit, I guess I gotta break out the guns again! Freakn herbivores! -=Jasen=-
  21. Re: Almost ready Yo Curly those trees are not manly colors! What are they doing in your back yard? You knew someone was going to make fun of your colors right? Well, the trees are my wifes Pffft, who you trying to kid, everything is your wife's! -=Jasen=-
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