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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. Well, hopefully your wait will not be long! Then you can get us some new grill and cooking pics!! Welcome aboard! -=Jasen=-
  2. It would be a pretty good grill for DY, prolly outcook his Smoky Joe What R U talking about there Curly? Now your not even reading your own posts? -=Jasen=- Dude, he called it a steamer, but fire was pouring out of it...like my KK when I open it at 500-600 degrees. That's a grill, not a steamer. Prolly out cook smokey in a minute. And who is DY? -=Jasen=-
  3. I use the Hi Mountain cures too ( http://www.himtnjerky.com/ ) and love them. My two favorites are the Original Blend and Pepper Blend. Though I usually do add cayenne to both. I prefer making my jerky in the oven (or a ceramic grill). I had a dehydrator and sold it. I use these racks ( http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templ ... hasJS=true ) from Cabela's with the extra trays too. They also sell the Hi Mountain brand jerky mix their too. For slicing I use the Cabela's commercial slicer ( http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templ ... 20099&rid= ). -=Jasen=-
  4. It would be a pretty good grill for DY, prolly outcook his Smoky Joe What R U talking about there Curly? Now your not even reading your own posts? -=Jasen=-
  5. Re: My Rub and Thanks... That is a great rub mix! I have it posted here too. I did not know it was on Whizzy's website though. John Rox lives around here and is an Green Egger. -=Jasen=-
  6. Wow, I guess I should stop complaining about how hot it was today. A balmy 75 with slight showers. Great BBQ weather if I had mine. -=Jasen=-
  7. Re: Kudos...! Hey, let keep the thread on topic please. If you wanna talk about something else, start your own thread. We try to run things very strict around here. Let it happen again and I will explode your computer - this is your once and only warning! And don't let me catch you talking about religion or politics either; find another forum for that - I here there is another ceramic web site that allows it. hahahahhahahaha Sorry, I had to do that. Plus I just kicked the crap outta Majestik at Halo 2 - hehe - so I figured I might as well beat him down here too! -=Jasen=-
  8. Wow what a beef loin! You got a nice setup there dude! -=Jasen=-
  9. Great pics! I helped you out a little with the first one (not sure if that was the one you wanted there, but could not get the original for some reason). Also moved to Komodo Photo section! -=Jasen=-
  10. Dude, dont be knocking the flip-flops! They are part of my trademark. I have several; wet/rainy pair, yard work pair, casual every day pair, "nicer" pair.... The flip flos are more of a lifestyle than fashion! Look here Curly, I ain't about wearing no damn flip-flops! Them there things are for pink grill owners with rainbow t-shirts! -=Jasen=-
  11. That was a cheap shot Mr. Pink Grill! But I am serious, I really do love that mill. I cannot help it is cheap and is not great looking (trust me, it ain't often I find something cheap that works good and I'm not into cheap things either or I would not be buying a KK). But I am into cooking, not stuff that makes my kitchen look stylish and never gets used. The thing is just very functional. Easy to load, cheap enough to have a dozen with different spices ($8.99 at WallyWorld), grates very fast, and easy to change coarseness!! That last one gets me on most every peppermill I have ever owned - it is a pain in the ass to change your grind coarseness or it will not stay at the setting you prefer (as I change that setting very frequently for each dish). I have owned many mills, and this one just functions the best of all the ones I have tried. So I am sure I might get a fancy one to look nice on the butchers block one day, as I love toys. But it will have to be a great functioning one to replace the pepperball. -=Jasen=-
  12. True, but I could not find something that functions just as well for a lot cheaper like I did the peppermill. So that apples and oranges in my book! Though a cool looking peppermill is a nice toy, and I can go on that logic a lot quicker than the BS you are spilling! But hey you gotta convince yourself, right? -=Jasen=-
  13. I saw one on ebay for $500 and figured a medium egg and a disposable pepper mill would probably be a better gift. Of course, I'm not getting anything worth $500 for Christmas...nor giving. But I found one I really like for $47 here...that's more reasonable. #413 an 8 1/2 copper and brass. Hopefully it won't take much figure oils to make it start looking old...like me. http://www.darrylbs.com/ Wow, that is still the same as several nice steaks and a pepperball! But to each his own. -=Jasen=-
  14. The video clip for this is hilarious too, but here is a pic! If I find a good link, I will post one for the video. Here it is >>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SCJLlSf21Y -=Jasen=-
  15. Cool info, I had forgot about that one. Answered a couple of questions, but would still love a scan of a manual. -=Jasen=-
  16. The sitting at work watching it cook would not apply to me (Damn BigBrother spies at work) and that was really the only reason I would want the net capabilities. That and a 12 hour job schedule with a 45 minute drive each way does not allow for too many 'while I'm at work' cooks - hehe. But that is a cool feature for those who could! One item I really prefer over the Stoker is the Guru can mount on the fan out of the way instead of having to place it on a table. Not with my ProCom - viewtopic.php?t=651&start=15 - though slightly customized - hehe. You could add this to the Stoker, hehe or just unplug it like you said (I like to tinker).
  17. = you = you (I cannot post what I really think)! -=Jasen=-
  18. Hell, I been off for a month and I half now since my back surgery. And when I am at work, it is 16 days off out of 4 weeks. Yes, I know you are still jealous since you cannot weld nor have a welder - one day Curly, one day - there, there. Though at the moment, the no life thing does apply. Since my back surgery "in my opinion" seems to have been a complete failure and I can barely get out of the house for more than a little while without loads of pain. -=Jasen=-
  19. ThreeDJ16

    chick chick

    Translated: Means he doesn't finish reading the post before replying! -=Jasen=-
  20. Well, I knew the thing had been out for awhile and knew that it could connect to a network...just never saw one that was actually operated from afar. Years ago I did see a website that showed a Kamado that had a drill connected to it that opened and closed the bottom damper of the K to increase or decrease the heat. I can't remember what was done with the top...if anything. The point of the post was that you are the geeky one that will probably do it...won't be me, that's for sure. I suppose if you use the term 'geek' as someone with knowledge and ability to do so, then I might agree. Last time I checked though, I don't see any geeks grilling, making beer or welding? But frankly controlling the grill from my computer does little for me when I have a hand held remote that can control everything from my recliner! -=Jasen=-
  21. Old news Curly; this thing has been out for a while. I do like it's network connectivity, but I am sold on the Guru. Maybe when Guru folks add that feature, I might think about it. -=Jasen=-
  22. Re: Fiery-Foods? Great, get your subscription going ASAP, when you have looked them over, send 'em on to me... I'm kinda cheap. Hehe, actually I was thinking the same thing, but in reverse? hehe Though it looks like there are quite a few article online, so you might not even need the subscription. -=Jasen=-
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