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Everything posted by Porkchop

  1. 250 works just fine! you wont notice the difference in the product. i'm not terribly particular about it. i just set my fire and drafts, and once i can get the temp gauge to register between 225 and 250 stable for an hour, i load it up. i started at 250, 12 hours later was at 225. after i took out the first shoulder, i snuck the top damper up just a jiggle, and had it at 235 for the next 4 hours for the other 2 shoulders. now that i think about it, i think it might be good to stabilize your cooker at about 250 or so at the beginning of your cook, so that if/when your cooker drops in temps overnite due to burn pattern, weather, whatever, it doesn't drastically effect your cook. starting a black textured cooker after a full afternoon of direct sun in 95 deg weather will be hotter than at night with the same amount of burning fuel. stuff like that. so, starting the cook high-ish is better than starting it low-ish then trying to adjust temps up drastically, imho.
  2. that pull looks like you could serve it on flooring tiles and it would still taste awesome! i was just morally offended by your OBVIOUS attempt to include something marginally healthy...
  3. yeh, you know i'm kiddin. the mahi mahi looks awesome. just, when it comes down to it and i need to make a choice of what to put on the grill, for the money, i always go with steak. enjoy those porkchops! hard to beat those. i know they'll be thick cut. hopefully, you can get a couple sweet taters to go with them... this is not a topic upon which to dwell, for me anyway. miss my sweet taters...
  4. 225 or so, indirect with dry drip pan
  5. with meat, there's no need to eat veggies; the animal being eaten does that for you. so all the vegetable goodness is pre-processed and locked-in. that being said, asparagus is wonderful if it accidently gets eaten along with a hunk of dead meat. but what's the fish there for? and why isnt it battered and served with french fries and slaw? you sure you aint a yankee deej?
  6. see, thats why you got room in your cooker for like multiple butts. takes as much lump and hickory to do 1 butt as 6. better to have too much and freeze leftovers for... sammiches tacos en-chi-la-das nachos! chili omeletes or the occasional pot luck or unexpected guests...
  7. just got finished with a huge pulled pork sammie, red sauce, with sweet chow on top and on the side... so good! only thing that made it taste even better was that it was low carb and good for the ol blood sugar! i love seeing folks come thru my office after heating some up in the microwave, noses sniffing, looking wistful, shifting their gaze thru the room looking for what might be torturing them so. it is great!
  8. if this is too risque, please excuse the post... of course, you realize i had to do an image search for "pillow fight", so this one is pretty tame
  9. did 3 shoulders and 1/2 a pork loin. the small shoulder and loin were brined first. loin went for 3 hours/250 deg. all indirect. small shoulder went 12 hours. other 2 went 16. had pulld pork sammich for breakfast! here's the pics, so you'll know it really happened... really came out awesome; some of my best stuff. really glad i decided for whole shoulders over butts...
  10. burgers can go both ways, hot or low-n-slow. depends on your mood. sometimes, i make these 1/2# or more burgers, add some seasonings and moisture, and do a 250 cook for about an hour (til done anyway) with hickory or wild cherry. no need to add bacon to the burgers.
  11. "oh, no, there goes Tokyo..."
  12. sanny, take it from me, NEVER fry bacon naked! i guess the same applies to spaghetti sauce too!
  13. Re: States lacking quality... huh? i'll be right back. i have to open a yahoo mail account
  14. well, now we know how sanny lights that charcoal; with those smoldering eyes... much as i like pets, i vote you keep this avatar for awhile!
  15. nope, on fancy WHOLE WHEAT bread?!?! what's this world coming to? white wonder bread, cheap hamburger buns, or Texas Toast! just kiddin of course! looks awesome! i bet that fragrant pork smoke coming from the cooker was torture for your neighbors! looks like you got a lot of nice crust!
  16. long pig was the cannibal term for white missionaries.
  17. do so sir! if nothing, just to keep you from hawking your inferior wares to the unsuspecting...
  18. walmart isnt great about stocking or displaying RO lump even if they have it. get the UPC off TNW's site and take it to the manager. if they have it somewhere "in back" they'll bring it up for you. i've done this many times. even after "bbq season"; they will store unsold inventory off the floor.
  19. ok, that IS pretty cool... i have to admit. i guess i should lighten up a little bit on the whole thing. can you control it online too? would be cool if you could hook it up with a little window for a webcam on exterior or interior or whatever. just to kind of really "keep an eye on things".
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