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Everything posted by Porkchop

  1. yeah, i guess it's open for any kamado-related fraud... so, does there seem to be a preponderance of complaints concerning one company in particular??? i've not visited in awhile.
  2. being one of the luddites represented by this thread, the only "gadget" i'd really consider adding is a rotis. right now, that's out of the budget, but maybe sometime... always xmas.
  3. Re: Standing O you're always welcome sanny...
  4. my komodokamado IS my temp control device!
  5. love the tri-tip! when wes came to visit, he brought them along. we did them on the sear grill hot and fast, served medium rare and sliced thin! wonderful cut! tender, yet very "beefy" flavor! if you can find it, try it!
  6. Porkchop

    top grill

    dammit, somebody give ME a legged-grill, and i'll be happy to measure it til doomsday for all concerned!
  7. Porkchop

    top grill

    are those grills in stock?
  8. see, propane is DANGEROUS!! use a charcoal chimney! propane BAD, matches GOOD... (heee!)
  9. very nice! nice smokering on the brisket flat!
  10. slap curly on that bald head o his, and he comes out swingin'!! sad thing is, if you ever want to sell your pull (which looks awesome, btw ), smithfield (those knuckleheads that inject all their fresh pork with saline so they can sell you salt water) has rights to "curly's" as a brand...
  11. babys for 2.99? that's a deal! funny, i was just wrestling with butts v. ribs, or doing both. course, i'll do REAL ribs (spares) and rib tips! oh, btw, curly, saw "unwrapped" on foodtv last nite, and they had "curly's pulled pork" featured on the show. i was surprised to see that they actually smoke boned out pork butts and pull (partially) by hand. course, it looked like slop by the time it got extruded into the tub thot of you... remember, when you think of textureless, gloppy pulled pork in a tub, think of curly
  12. to my fellow americans! happy independance day! celebrate by filling the air with the scent of roasting pork, beef, and/or chicken! be thankful we live in a free country, and are blessed with the best food in the world, among other things...
  13. deej, i do wings fairly often, but do a high(ish) temp cook, about 450+ or so. reason being, i like the crispy skin. i do them with a little rub, then toss them hot in a hot sauce/butter 50/50 mix. i like them, but i'm intrigued by your method. you say the skin crisps up nice at those low temps if left to "simmer" for a couple hours?? they are definitely prettier than mine!
  14. he lives halfway between chicago and around where my sis lives, waukeegan. we get up there once in a blue moon! watchya cookin on prime?
  15. hah, look at the professor's avatar! he's such a "knob-end"!! dude, post your pics on like, photobucket, and then link em in your posts on this forum! it's free! oh wait, after reading that write-up, you are obvo asking where on this forum, not how! you obviously know what you're doing, unlike yours truly (that's me)! theres a whole big photo section for the forum! "cooking pics" and "komodo photos"!
  16. no way am i cooking my grub over "mystery wood"... howsomevar, my crate also seemed to be made from either oak or cedar (some deep red in there). the scrap is currently leaning against my shed in the back; been meaning to put it on the burn pile... altho, i still wouldn't cook over it; who knows what else has been adjacent/on it during shipping, etc. or what its sprayed with in transit to get rid of foreign "invaders".
  17. even tho i don't have a deep love for cats (my family owns 2), it is hard to turn your back on a suffering kitten. you would have to be a despot; a cement bbq buildin, cheatin, no good despot. hope the news is good when you get home... nothin funnier than a kitten on crutches!
  18. never. grill. naked. you think frying bacon in the nude can be dangerous?? (you all know, you've done it!) i mean, normally a flashback causes arm hair loss, or eyebrows, but... well, TNW, any confessions to make?? any film?
  19. i cant believe that sanny asked TNW to drop trou (barrel, whatever), and not ME!!! if i catch up to you, TNW, hiding behind the drapes wont save you! that barrel better be oak, cause its gonna be chopped up in pieces and smokin on the coals... (ok, breathe mike, breathe...) time to let the cave-chop out...
  20. Porkchop


    i was thinking the same thing curly! wow! did you lawyer up or what, don?
  21. professor, ditto on my interest in your pie recipes! love pizza off the kk; just like you describe in your blog too! cracker crisp thin crust with that charcoal baked finish!
  22. deej, you must be running your "sarcasm filter"...
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