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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. Hey, Dennis! Welcome back home. Were the landslides of the past week near your place? Hope all are well. And you've not clued us in on the mud volcano lately. Did the cement pearls the dropped into it make any difference?
  2. Well, huh... You're right! Strange the wiki article didn't mention THAT. Dumb article...
  3. What marinade did you use, Greg? Sounds like a wonderful meal, though.
  4. Funny you should ask... Not that this makes it much clearer, though. But the article does say this: That could be all of us! We're a unity-friendship-community, made of opposites, as well as connected or correlative things.
  5. No no. Not militant. Just after I read Whizzy's review, I realized that it might not have been entirely my fault that my first low and slow had so much trouble. Sort of a relief, really... Hard to argue with a Whizzy review, though, isn't it? So darn THOROUGH! When there's something good to say, he says it just as loudly as when there isn't.
  6. Well, roast one for revenge for my cousin, too! Whole flock of 6 domestic geese chased him around his parents' farm! Fortunately, he could waddle a little faster than they could.
  7. I used this brand on my first low and slow. It was an overnight, and I thought I must be really inept if I couldn't keep the fire burning overnight. It went out sometime in the night, and I had to add fuel to get the cooking done. The bottom of the cooker was full of ash, too. While I may have, indeed, been inept, it appears it wasn't all my fault! There's some comfort in that, I suppose.
  8. Whizzy has a new review posted of Another Manufacturer's extruded product. This was the extruded that the Other Manufacturer sold in 2006. THIS IS NOT DENNIS' PRODUCT!! Din't want anyone to think that this review (not favorable at all) was somehow related to something that Dennis sells. http://www.nakedwhiz.com/lumpdatabase/lumpbag70.htm
  9. Do the giblets come wrapped in paper, the way they do here, TLinder? Wow, a goose! How did you fix the goose? Is there a proper procedure, or does everyone do it differently? Never had goose... Several chased my cousin once, though, when he was little.
  10. Interesting to compare the way chickens are dressed there. Here, we don't get them with the neck still on. The neck is usually tucked inside with the giblets, liver, heart, to simmer for stock (or throw out).
  11. I just finished making the chicken tikka masala. It'll be fine sitting for a day in the refrigerator, and it'll save time tomorrow, not having to make it. Smells wonderful, and those who sneaked bites of chicken say it tastes good, too. xo, All!
  12. Yah. That explanation helped. :::giggle:::
  13. Syzie, do you have a Komodo Kamado now? I know you have that chameleon cooker from another manufacturer, but you got a Komodo Kamado too? Imagine that... 1+1=1
  14. Jack Linkletter. Obit Here's the NY Times article on Dennis' dad.
  15. I don't think the turkey brine I used last time was worth it. I loved the effect of brine on the chicken, but I don't think it did anything for the turkey. And it was way more work, what with the cooler, and gallons of brine to cover the bird. But let us know how it goes! Maybe you'll convince me. Christmas dinner is quite a feast this year. We have the whole "ham and jam" stuff on Christmas Eve, usually. Sunday this year. Buffet style. For Christmas, my cousin Joel is making hot sour soup, steamed buns with meat filling, and "potstickers." Our family has deep China roots, so we like Chinese food. And I'm making chicken tikka masala over rice. Go figger! There will be about 15 of us there! I'll have to go light on the chili, and have it as an "add it yourself" item. Too bad, because it tastes to good to mix into the dish. I do the tandoori chicken for the tikka masala under the broiler. The chicken is not bright red (that's usually just food coloring these days, anyway). Seasoned brined chicken breasts (brined with a salt rub and sit for an hour, not a salt liquid) coated with a seasoned yogurt and broiled, cut in chunks to go in the sauce. I think I posted the recipe, so no one get angry! lol
  16. Ho ho ho, and mistletoe and presents for pretty girls! Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, New Year, Solstice, or whatever other winter holiday you choose to celebrate. You have brought me an entire year of joy, and I thank you all. (And whatcha cookin for the assorted feasts? I'm doing chicken tikka masala for 16 on Christmas day. Nothing on the cooker - I'm out of town.)
  17. Since when did you get a skeleton key? A sign of the apocalypse, for sure...
  18. Sanny

    Tandoori Chicken

    All that matters is she loves you, and loves your cooking. Any tone deafness is just an added bonus.
  19. Re: Thanks! No kidding, Majestic! Sign me up! GORGEOUS! Maybe once all the holiday bills are paid, I can buy one. Can you just imagine how great a stew/beans/rice/anything would taste from that? And think of the presentation! Ok, if I dropped it in the kitchen sink, the sink would crack. But still!
  20. Sanny

    Tandoori Chicken

    Ah! Mai oui!! Bon jour and all that other frenchified stuff. You don't have to wear a little beret, or sing marseilles when you prepare em, do you?
  21. Uh huh. Thanks, Dennis, for sharing him with us a little.
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