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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. Re: I would go for a camping size one too Thanks, Saucy. I think Firemonkey is the only one who saw the brief emergence of a "full face" avatar. I took it down - afraid PC might hurt himself. lol
  2. Oh, the avatar wanders around now and then. One never knows who will show up. Yah, where IS PC? He's not been around lately. Hmmm. Hope he's ok.
  3. hehehe. Wow, Jimbo! Lookit you! You DO cook! Kid's training to look like yer avatar, huh? Livin up to his Spiderman jammies. Is that a mustard pizza?
  4. Tyrants Wow... are we a bunch of bullies, or what? lol Jimbo, you just take your time. No hurry. Really. As long as you want. Ok, that's long enough. lol
  5. Yah, but c'mon. SIX MONTHS and just the one picture? If he's not gonna use it, he should donate it to a worthy charity (like ME!).
  6. Sanny

    Thai recipes?

    Excellent! What did you fix in it? Or did you just eat it with a spoon out of the package?
  7. Yup, and keeps squirrels out of the bird feeder, too. I used to get hot pepper flakes by the gallon and add to the seed in the feeder. Take THAT! So, there's a pairing - squirrel and red pepper.
  8. Hi Queenie! Another LADY! That makes 4 of us, that I know of. Careful, guys, we're taking over! Of course, we already had, just you didn't know it yet.
  9. You know, sometimes you have to wonder, WHAT were they THINKING?
  10. Yah, Salty! Picture it! Like those little camping waterglasses, that collapse flat, like a telescope. You pull up on the outer ring, and it becomes a cooker! lol Uh huh... hehehee
  11. That's, what, about the size of a lunch box? You're right - it's fun to watch the baby before it's born.
  12. Well, Dennis, my legs are not all I'd want them to be, either. But they do just fine. Your cooker is spectaculous!! Does one launch a new cooker with a bottle of champagne, as one does a battleship? I wonder what the appropriate "new baby" gift is for a cooker. It's obvious this one is a "she," with those beautiful curves.
  13. Um, I think more like "midi" me. I think the mini look is only in comparison. That's no small cooker!
  14. Sexy! Nice curves. Now, let's get Johnnyboy working on the jammies!
  15. Sanny

    Thai recipes?

    Grocery store annoyance I stopped last evening at the H-mart, a large Asian grocery near me. It's Korean based, but has quite a lot of other Asian foods. Nope. Not only couldn't I find Lobo, but I couldn't find panang curry paste at all! There were a handful of curries, but nothing recognizable. And no Thai red or green chili pastes at all. But if you need 900 different soy sauces, that's your place! There's a Chinese based market nearby, too, so I'll try that. It might be that I either have to rely on the "stuff" in the international aisle of the local grocery ($3 for a tablespoon of paste!), or go into center city Philadelphia to Chinatown. That, of course, adds $3 for the bridge, plus parking, just to get curry paste! I think the internet is my friend - mail order r us!
  16. Welcome, Scout! You and the Lovely Mrs. Scout, asleep, with visions of sugarglazed pork butt dancing in your head? Lots of pictures of cooking, please! We live vicariously through you. (especially those of us who have been living on grapefruit and carrot sticks the past couple months! )
  17. Where's Horizon BBQ located in NJ? Curious, since I'm always lookin for new good stuff.
  18. Hey DMAX! Welcome to the pool! There's probably a lump source thread around here somewhere. Some folks order from a distance, but shipping gets expensive. Walmart sells Royal Oak (I think) in season. ACE hardware stores sell Cowboy lump year round. BGE sells its own brand (relabeled Royal Oak, I think). BGE lump is available at Patio Stores and similar places that retail the BGE (big green egg brand of cooker). To find out what people think of various types of lump, go to Whizzy's website and look around. http://www.nakedwhiz.com/lump.htm Our Whizzy knows EVERYTHING!
  19. You made that for me!!! YAY! Just what I was wanting - a slightly smaller one than the beautiful big one. SMOOOOCH!! I'll add it to my dream list.
  20. Re: Car Saucy, I don't play the billable game anymore. Chucked it for a 50% pay cut and the pleasure of gov't work. Fortunately, I drive a Prius, so I don't have to buy gas as often.
  21. Oooh, Heartbreak, Saucy! That's a very sad story. I didn't order any of that beautiful stoneware. Nope. Got a couple pieces of All-Clad instead. What was I thinking?? It's beautiful, but I coulda bought a car, you know?
  22. Re: Hey Sanny This one has pretty eyes, too! She wanted a chance to see you all for a while. Good girlie! She sends biscuits. 8=8 8=8 8=8
  23. Well, hot chili oil goes well with Asian food, of course. Dumplings/pot stickers/noodles, and Asian soups. For example, I put a healthy dose in some hot sour (heavy Chinese type, not light SE Asian) soup I made a week or so ago, and it was MOST excellent.
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