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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. Re: Potato Chip Casserole Yer just not right.... lol. (Greetings from Key Largo, btw. VACATION!!!)
  2. Maybe Gerard has an in with Hoff and could get him to star...
  3. Re: Recommended easy to prepare casserole? They who? You mean, Those People? Or The Other People?
  4. Re: Sanny the bread Goddess A man of exquisite taste, it's obvious. Yup, the tapenade and brine in there is good stuff! For those of you making the NYTimes no knead bread, there's a tweak of it in Cook's Illustrated this issue. The Test Kitchen changed it a bit, and they say made it better. Hard to imagine, but there you go. Goddess Sanny... I like it!
  5. Sanny

    Knife Deal

    Wow, Wolfgang Puck gets around! Hussy... HSN, Sam's, BJ...
  6. Yah, all that is well and good. But what's a KNIVE? Singular of "knifes" I bet...
  7. Sanny

    Knife Deal

    I've got a small bamboo cutting board - perfect for grabbing and using quickly (not the big block one). It really is great. Light, wears well, stores easily, cleans up nicely. I don't ever feel like it's going to get angry if I leave it damp by accident. And easily renewable material, too. That stuff grows like weeds! Strongly recommended!
  8. Sanny

    Knife Deal

    Hey, great deal! The special on HSN was $30 for 3 knives. You did $20 for four! Well done. I like sets like the special to keep on hand for gifts. Never know when an event will come up and you'll need something. And the presentation in the cutting board is good. But for home? I like the set you got! Cutting boards I have. I'd rather have more knives. My set from years ago doesn't have the WP on it. It's two chef's knives, a paring knife, a bread knife, and a serrated utility knife. Wood block. Shears (I use those every day!), and a sharpener built into the block. I'm sure there are better knives out there, but they're perfect for what I need. I like the idea of the two little knives in the set Majestic got! That's the size I use most. Just little things to cut usually.
  9. Looks yummy, Majestic!
  10. Sanny

    Two Pair

    Re: In Trouble You ARE rich, Cozy! You have spectacular lady. But "hangin out on street corners" isn't always partying. Just means mischief. We're saving you from mischief! But, of course, the lovey Mrs. Cozy already does that.
  11. Sanny

    Two Pair

    Good, Tony! It'll keep him off the streets. Wouldn't want Cozy to be hangin out on street corners and gettin into trouble, after all.
  12. Oooh, food porn! Hey, Firemonkey! We got him to feed our habit!
  13. Sanny

    Knife Deal

    I bought Wolfgang Puck's knife block set years ago, when it was made by Henckels. That's the German company with the little stick figure, right? Anyway, I have used it happily for years. Seems this guy puts his name on good stuff, usually. Of course, YMMV.
  14. A shame, too, Firemonkey. I mean, it's good as a dream, but prolly better had it been real. The only thing we KNOW was real was the cornbread salad fritter puffs from this morning. With the scrambled eggs on the side, of course.
  15. Congratulations, Saucy! YAY!! Now, don't kill her with cornbread salad. lol. (this was sposed to be a response to "24 years last monday" post)
  16. Saucy, I am sure that your cook will be excellent, and make a spectaculous meal. She'll be impressed! Who wouldn't be impressed by a man who will cook for you? smooch
  17. Sanny

    Two Pair

    Yah, me too. Hardly PLAIN, but not psychedelic. We'd hate to have Dad hallucinate.
  18. Sexy, Saucy! Very sexy! lol
  19. Sanny

    Two Pair

    Jiarby, that's what I've asked Cozy to make for Dad. Safe and simple, and gorgeous! I always knew you were a man of exquisite taste. Handsome photo of you and Cozy, too!
  20. Well, the quickest way to a lady's heart IS through her arteries...
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