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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. Excellent, DMax! Love it when there's a success or two in the learning curve. Incentive to learn some more! But, remember. No pics? Never happened.
  2. Sanny

    Heat Diffuser

    Excellent, Deej! Is that a metal, or an other type of deflector? And are you making the heat a little more direct with the holes? What's the goal? Love learning from your cooks. Almost got a chuck roast from Costco, but decided it's way too cold to cook today. Even too cold INSIDE! Brrrr.
  3. You know, they sorta look like they were running in formation, and got caught on the hot grill. I'd almost rather think that they're there in the trap (to be appropriately disposed of in a landfill), than someone put them there on purpose, and intends to eat them. I think I'm with Aussie... And Majestik and Dennis... JD, I KNOW you're right. Corner em in the alley. "Me and the boys was wonderin if yous rats wanna go for a swim."
  4. Yay! Glad to hear it, Augusto! Where are you and your formerly multiple, now single KK located? And what cooks have you done? I think if I even thought warm thoughts about my cooker today, it would crack into bits. Way too cold. Mucho Gusto, indeed.
  5. Oh my! I think I would need a private moment with that roast. How spectaculous!
  6. Yah, and prolly nooodles for long life. I'm just not in that whole fish kinda mood, you know? Togetherness or not. SWF w Dog has sufficient togetherness. Or maybe not. But methinks the head and tail of a fish just aren't gonna make the difference. As for prosperity, I think the fact that the chicken is dead, with head, tail and feet intact, belies the whole prosperity thing. Didn't do the chicken much good! I'll compromise, and put chicken breast in my stir fry. No beaks - I do draw the line.
  7. Re: Year of the Rat Cooks? I made dumplings (sorry - frozen ones), stir fry of bok choi and sugar snap peas, and rice. Maybe make hot sour soup this weekend. YAY!
  8. Sanny

    Reef Tank

    Oooh! Looks like my screensaver.
  9. Oooh! A DRAGON! And a fur child, too! I hope you shared your bounty with the fur kid. It's only polite, after all. Great pics! Now I don't have to hallucinate over your hibachi (unless I want to, I suppose). Wheee! But wait! What are all those "wannabes" in the background? Looks like you'll need some Johnnyboy Jammies for your Dragon. They're the best, after all. [email protected] That's our Johnnyboy.
  10. You're right, of course. I thought it was one of those Wranglery thingies at a quick glance. My apologies to the respective fan clubs. I really should get better hallucinations, you know? Zoom!
  11. Sad, Deej, isn't it? How some people's imaginations just run away with them? They just start hallucinating the strangest things. Poor guy. Prolly had his tin foil lined hibachi in the back of the Jeep, and pretended it was a KK. At least we know he's not imagining the Jeep, huh?
  12. You mean, the size of the eaters' buns!
  13. Wow... and we thought the ribbed ones were something. Dennis, you're quite the innovator!
  14. Sanny

    Thai recipes?

    Making progress Thanks to Stewsan, I know what I'm looking for when I search for panang paste from Lobo. I went back to the H Mart (Korean grocery) and found the brand, but not panang. There are two varieties of satay sauce in that brand, and some soup base, but not any panang curry paste. I feel closer to success, though. In honor of the progress, I picked up the satay (both types). So, I guess I have to figure that out next. Step one... start with a chicken. lol
  15. Johnnyboy did a great job on those jammies! But, what's the deal? No matching doggy jammies? Doggy looks left out of the party. Are the velcro places at the bottom so you can snug up the fit? Good idea. And I love the innovation of the handle on top of the cooker jammy. Like, VOILA! A cooker! And you can whooosh the top right off.
  16. Sanny

    Brunswick stew

    Unswick stew I think it's UNSwick, not BRUNSwick. It started life as vegetable soup with very savory broth (chicken based). But it lacked a certain "meatiness." So, I investigated the freezer. A baggie with turkey leg (done on the cooker) from Thanksgiving. In it went. A boneless porkchop. Chopped it, threw it in too. And then I found a tupper of pulled pork! Woo hoo! Not all sauced - just taken off the cooker and pulled. In that went. So, it has corn, carrots, celery, onions, peas, mushrooms, and leftovers. I'll let you know. :::: time passes:::: It's the next day. What delicious soup! Whole house smells of smokey goodness, now that the pulled pork has settled into the soup. Mother came by to steal my dog for a walk, and had two bowls! I sent her home with a tupper full of soup (I'd made 8 quarts!!). I had some for lunch, and it's great! A little sweet - I cannot figure out what's causing the sweet flavor, but it might be the carrots. It was a little sweet before the pork went in. Might be, though, that the pork had some sweet flavor. I cannot remember what the rub was that I used. Certainly, there are no labels on anything in the freezer! I anticipate throwing in a squirt of chili oil, or maybe some vinegar, to cut that sweet flavor.
  17. On the "view more emoticon" page. Deej made them all in one place, so we could express our inner moppets. :giggle:
  18. Re: It's a high tech aero-foam refractory.. And, of course, the University of Komodo Kamado forum. Lots of qualified faculty here, too. How else to know what you needed to find out? Or maybe the forum isn't so much faculty as Board of Directors. (the signs aren't protest - that's encouragement!)
  19. Like your screen name. The "letter" is invisible, but it's really still there.
  20. Re: I would go for a camping size one too Are you kidding? I saw the your picture with the dog at another forum. Oh yah, that one. Well, this avatar was different from that. I had all the long hair cut off (not off the dog, just off ME. Doggy had short hair to start with). So, I look taller now. lol I took that forum profile pic down from Over There.
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