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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. Wow... Dennis, if needed (don't know why it would be, with oiled, but if it were...) can it be sanded and refinished?
  2. Neighbors hadda baby girl. I knit her a little girl dress for later, when she's not asleep all the time. Still baby sized, but not for just now. What little girl doesn't like cashmere, silk, and merino?
  3. Happy! How does teak work in a kitchen? M's wanting to redo her kitchen, after 40 years. I think it's time to replace the indoor/outdoor carpet, don't you? She's thinking of using wood.
  4. Sure looks lovely! What's stuffed in the cavity? Looks like weeds. Yummy weeds, of course, but weeds nonetheless.
  5. Deej, are you eating all this yourself, or are you sharing with neighbors? I'd be big as a house by now! Shore looks purty, though. Sigh.
  6. Sounds wonderful, Tony! Indeed, a lifetime treat.
  7. Well, it would be cast in two layers of cooking stuff, like the cooker. And it would have a hidden spring in the back, so the lid of your lunchbox would open easily. Little feet to sit on, maybe with little wheels hidden in there. Fabulous latch, too, of course. What color tile would you like on it?
  8. Yah - I mean, eat oysters in those months when you shouldn't eat green stuff.
  9. Green frequently indicates spoilage. This is especially the case in those months (and climates) in which there is no greenness in the outdoors. Unhealthy to eat green things in months containing an "R." Just like oysters.
  10. Well, he's not female or non-white, so that's a start, huh? Not intending to diminish the honor of your game, of course. Good for you! You should have a Komodo Kamado polo shirt when you play.
  11. Wow... And you cooked it just perfectly, too! Mmmm.
  12. While you were in his yard, did you steal his Q?
  13. Hey, it's St. Patrick's, not St. Valentine's.
  14. The corned beef I do is in a covered pot with liquid. I guess it could be done in the cooker, rather than in the oven or slow cooker. I get the grey one from Whole Foods (or similar), rather than the one with the nitrates or sulfites or somesuch. One of those makes me wheeze. Must be sulfites. Anyway, aren't corned beeves usually cooked "wet"?
  15. Looks like a yummy sup, Firemonkey! Will the memory of it hold you while you are on the road? Maybe hurry back and cook some more.
  16. I made some bean soup today. Great Northern Beans, onions, bay leaf, garlic, crushed chilis, pulled pork. It's the Cooking Light recipe for white bean soup, but I didn't use the ham. I didn't have ham, but I had a bag of frozen pulled pork. Chopped some of that and put it in, instead. And no, I didn't have jalepenos, either. Threw some crushed chilis in, instead. I had some cooked brown rice, and some dried mushrooms, so they went in, too. I'll probably puree some of the soup for a thick base later. http://find.myrecipes.com/recipes/recipefinder.dyn?action=printerFriendly&recipe_id=665265
  17. I think those are the pieces of broken pizza stone he was talking about. Little individual deflectors.
  18. Sigh. I made lentil soup. I know you all think it's imaginary soup. I'd be happy to take a picture, but we know what it looks like. Brownish green mushy stuff in a bowl. Probably we're all better off without pics of that. Tastes good, though. Nice and spicy (coriander, cumin, cayenne and cinnamon).
  19. MOST excellent, FM! You're making us proud.
  20. HANDSOME! Mine has a license. Does yours? Only trouble is, her feet don't reach the pedals. I mentioned it to insurance agent, who recommended she not drive very often, license notwithstanding.
  21. When I cook on my cooker, I pic. And I change my avatar regularly. But, with just one person at home, and a small freezer, I don't have occasion to do large cooks too often. And it's too miserably cold (and snow and ice today) to fire the whole thing up for just a burger or fish fillet for one person. My loss, more than yours!
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