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Posts posted by Sanny

  1. Pumpkin Coconut Cake

    2 cups sugar

    1 ¼ cups salad oil

    4 eggs, beaten

    2 cups cooked pumpkin

    1 tsp salt

    1 tsp baking soda

    1 tsp baking powder

    2 cups flour

    1 tsp cinnamon

    ½ cup chopped nuts

    ½ cup flaked coconut

    Beat together sugar and oil. Mix in pumpkin. Stir in dry ingredients. Fold in nuts and coconut. Pour into greased 13/9/2 pan and bake 350 F for 25-30 minutes, or until toothpick comes out clean. Cool and frost.

    Coconut Cream Cheese Frosting

    ½ stick butter, softened

    1 8-oz package cream cheese

    1 box confectioners’ sugar

    1 tsp vanilla

    ½ cup chopped nuts

    ½ cup flaked coconut

    Cream butter and cheese. Gradually add sugar and vanilla. Stir in nuts and coconut. Spread evenly over cooled cake.

  2. Sanny honey' date=' you know when we see minus 20 temperatures here in So Cal? When we look at that photo you posted. :wave:[/quote']

    That photo is an aberration, Prof! I was with Snooky at a job interview in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Went into Yellowstone for the day. brrrr.

    Even the bison were cold. :shock:


  3. Hi ChefJeff.....have you selected a KK yet? Dennis indicated after the first quake they were ok. Don't know about the others...

    Lets hope there wasn't a ship in the way of the tsunami.. :eek:

    The shakes all seemed to be located on Sumatra, well to the west, or on other islands. Not on Java, where Dennis (usually) is. :)
  4. Whizzy's had cracks, but he bought it as a "second." The cracks were around the latch, and were a result of careless handling during shipping and customs. They had nothing to do with manufacturing.

    LeadDoggy has a mustard (bein kind there) yeller one. And I've not heard that Nugget has cracks. I'm sure he'd not be silent over something like that.

    Dennis is probably improving the finish on it, beyond what could be detected by mere mortals. :wink: Wouldn't want a textured to be less fabulous than the tiled, after all! :happy8:

  5. Re: What a friendly group....

    ...I do lots of woodwork so no trouble to build a table for it (which would be my plan with the egg anyway).

    The concern with having a legless cooker is that it's like a Weeble. You know - Weebles wobble. There would be nothing holding it up. Dennis called it "Humpty Dumpty." :happy8:

    Dennis posted a possible solution that he could provide, which was to secure the cooker with four bolts.

    http://www.komodokamado.com/forum/viewt ... light=legs

    Of course, the porch platform that the poster suggested wasn't actually a table to stand the cooker in. It was more like an egg cup with the cooker balanced in it. I can see there would be a difference between that a table that supported the upper part of the cooker.

    Might still want some way to bolt the cooker to the bottom support of the table.

  6. Re: Weber Holders?

    What are Weber holders and where can I get them?

    I think, based on one of Cozy's previous posts, that they're a metal creature that Weber makes for inside the Weber kettles. The holders keep the hot coals to one side so the heat is not directly under the drippy birdy. The rotiss spins, bird drips into drip pan, and cooking is by heat from the side, rather than directly under the bird.

    "See these and other fine accessories wherever Weber items are sold!" Sorry - no idea where to buy them. ;)

    Cozy has done a setup with TWO holders, so birdy has heat from either side.

    http://www.komodokamado.com/forum/viewt ... er+holders

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