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Posts posted by Sanny

  1. Re: No meat for a year

    You, Curly, are a thoughtful fella. :)

    One of the things I've always appreciated about you. :wink:

    Thank you Miss Sanny. Now, the wifes birthday is next month. Think I can get away with just giving her the tractor :oops:

    Well, I know from observation of no longer married people that microwave, vacuum cleaner, and ironing board are NOT good presents for her birthday. And the lacy undies are only marginally better - ladies know that they're really for you, anyway. Now, if you got YOURSELF lacy undies for her birthday, that's a different story. hehehe. :shock:

    Maybe if you put somethin sparkly in the front end loader. Say that the tractor is just the box the bauble came in. :wink:

  2. A large serving or alcohol or similar substance may numb it for awhile. :eek::lol:

    Excellent idea. :) I had some limoncello fresh from the freezer shortly after it happened - was very therapeutic.

    I recommend it. :wink:

  3. Thank you, PC. :smt008

    Fortunately no blisters - or teeny one if any. Cannot see it. I was VERY lucky. Back of fingers on left hand (the one holding the lid).

    I did the ice water thing for hours, until I couldn't figure out how to sleep with fingers in ice. Put burn cream on, and ran around the house flapping hand up and down from pain, and fanned it with magazine for about half hour. Then the pain eased some. Maybe it kept hurting but my brain decided to quit listening. Dunno. More slather of burn cream with lidocaine, and it seemed to help.

    Today swollen and pink, and don't THINK of touching it. But otherwise ok.

    As I said, I was VERY lucky. :shock:

    Squash, not so much. :roll:

  4. Hey Dennis' date=' wow great looking meal! What is that dish with tomatoes, I think rosemary and other stuff?? It looks like its on the pizza dish.[/quote']

    Fresh mozzarella, sliced tomatoes, fresh basil. Usually some delicious olive oil, maybe salt and pepper. Some do balsamic too.

    It's good stuff!

  5. I had grill open to cook squash. Fire got too hot. :( Charred squash. So I closed lid to lower temp.

    Forgot to burp it. :( FLASHBACK, and now I'm missing some eyelashes, and hair on right side of head is shorter than the left.

    And steam burn on my fingers. NOT happy.

    And squash was inedible. Ugh. :cry:

  6. does the size or style of KK ordered affect delivery
    Only thing that would affect delivery time is whether it's in stock in CA' date=' or has to be shipped from Indonesia. There are lots in stock - go to the main pages (www.komodokamado.com) and click on inventory link, and pick one from there. Then, as Dennis said, it's just a few days delivery around the country.

    Instant gratification! :)

  7. Re: Looks like the **other** extruded coconut charcoal

    Haven't I seen your name on the list of soon-to-be recipients? If so' date=' my condolences.[/quote']

    I did have my name on an order of Mexi extruded, but I canc. I took inventory of what I still have in the shed, and it should last for at least the rest of this season, if not longer. More was a luxury I couldn't afford just now.

    But thanks for asking. :wink:

  8. Re: Rotisserie help!

    ...and have noticed that after about 10-15 minutes the shaft ( :eek: ladies behave) slips out of the KK.

    Obviously this is not a good thing to happen ...

    Yup, yer right! Not a good thing at all! :wink:

    Glad you got that sorted out. I'm sure the lovely Mrs. Ozzie enjoyed the, um, "duck" too! :wink:

  9. Re: Thanks!

    ... Kooking on a Mexi-K7 :eek: right now.

    Happens a lot around here, not to worry. But I bet you make some yummy cookin! Enjoy what you have, and if you get to have something new and amazing, enjoy that too!


  10. mojo

    Well, it was after church saturday evening. 7:30 pm. Why not grill that top round steak? Yah, why not? Won't take over an hour...

    Went out and lit the propane to get the lump started. Made the mojo (lime, not orange this time). Put meat in a tupper to soak. Probably won't be even a half hour of soaking, instead of the recipe's hour, but it's something.

    Back outside to check the fire - no flame. Hrumph. Relit. No flame. Relit. No flame. Jostle tank. Gurgle. Ok, so it's not empty - shouldn't be, since I use it 3-5 minutes at a time, then shut it off.

    Mutter mutter. Ball up newspaper and nestle it under the lump, light. Wait. Fan. Wait. Blow. Mutter.

    The meat got the hour of marinating after all... mutter mutter.

    Thanks all for the suggestions in the other thread. I'll bring the burner inside and see if there's a blockage.

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