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Posts posted by Sanny

  1. Yup, Johnnyboy's Jammies are the best! Made to exact specs, out of marine grade Sunbrella fabric. You can pick the color you want, and all.

    Just last night I was again amazed at the workmanship of the Jammies. I'd draped it over a railing while I was cooking, and got it covered in marinade. Very messy. But the offending stuff just beaded up! Rinsed right off with a quick squirt of the hose this morning. And the rain takes care of any "droppings" that might get on it.

    By all means, email Johnnyboy! :) He is often on the forum, too, since he has a cooker.


  2. Shake shake shake the tank - there's liquid in it.

    Virtually no flame coming out of the burner. What's there shrivels up and dies, and is hard to re-light.

    Ok, so (genius here), gas isn't getting from the tank to the burner.

    It's a K burner, but "off the shelf" hose and regulator. I liked the brass one that came with, but no gas went through it.

    How to unplug whatever's plugged? Doesn't seem to be a kink in the hose leading to the burner.

    Suggestions? I hate lighting lump with newspaper. mutter mutter. :x

  3. No the hardest thing is having a 7 year old K7 that is whole' date=' working and aside for band adjustment problem, not looking to need replacement anytime soon, and see these beauties. Don't really like the non-round shape, but maybe that is what it took to help solve the band problem and go to the single spring...[/quote']

    Actually, Mr. Krusty, Dennis does make a round cooker. He calls it the Classic. It doesn't have bands, and has a single spring in back. My understanding, which is admittedly incomplete, is that the not round shape of the OTB and Supreme helps with heat distribution inside the cooker.

    No, don't ask me how. :wink:

  4. Apple pies are wunnerful! And a fruit wood smoke would be tasty, huh? Maybe use cherry wood, instead of cherry pie. :wink:

    For a tip, although at a regular baking temp it might not matter, turbinado sugar doesn't burn on the grill. Maybe consider that to sparkle your upper crust, instead of a sprinkle of table sugar. :)

  5. I would do a couple of low and slows first just to be safe with a new grill. Generally Boston Butt is every one's first recommendation since it is very forgiving and will do wonders for seasoning the inside of your grill - hehe.

    Only problem is, a butt is a long cook. So, no instant gratification. AND, if you aren't used to controlling the temp yet (or no Guru), don't try doing it overnight or you'll make yourself nutty. Ask me how I know that! :wink:

  6. Mr Krusty -

    Some of us have the Mexi-K stone. Can be a heat deflector, or a pizza stone. If I think a plain foil drip pan will not stand up to the weight of drippings if it's just on the lower bracket (like you, I usually just balance it on the lower X), I use that as a tray to sit the drip pan on. I think it's made of the same stuff as the Mexi-K itself.

    The stone acts as indirector, and also a support for drippy pan. Recommend wrapping at least the top of the stone in foil so it doesn't get greased.

    DO NOT attempt this with an ordinary pizza stone or it'll shatter. Cannot take direct heat.


  7. Well, first there are the photos. Birthing photos. New nursery photos. Photos with siblings. Loading with lump photos. Photos of food prep. You get the idea. :wink:

    Q porn... it's a curse, but we're hooked. :roll:

    What you cook is up to you. You could do a quick and hot for supper, or a low and slow to get the feel of the temps. Or maybe something in between, like a stew in a dutch oven. More of a fall/winter dish, but still delicious.

    Depending on where you are, roast some fresh corn?

    People who have reported the slight smell say it hasn't gotten into the food. I'd think a hot sear, with the top open, would further reduce the chance it would get in.

    Very exciting!! :D

  8. The #9 I've purchased was replaced by a KK by it's previous owner. I think we're all tied together by lump anyway.
    That makes us practically related, Handy!! :) Mine's a K5.

    Is sharing lump considered unsafe Q-ing? Hmmm. Maybe only if it's lighted lump? :shock:

  9. I did a thick salmon steak rather low and slow and smokey. Pat dry. Little olive oil. Rubbed with sea salt and turbi or brown sugar, and some other seasoning. Left the lid closed at about 200 for a couple hours.

    Turned out delicious!

    But seared like a steak is good, too. :)

    Different flavors.

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