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Posts posted by Sanny

  1. Whole Foods and Wegmans... wow, what excellent meat selections. A real treat. One year for Dad's birthday, I bought him 2 Weggies Porterhouse. They were gorgeous, and he loved them. :happy8:

    I "wrapped" them in a cooler of ice, with a bow on top. :)

    Most of the other groceries have "USDA select," if they mark the grade at all. :(

  2. Is it all "better" now ?

    What happenend to your doggie avatar? :eek:

    Congrats you have more than 1000 posts! :D

    Yup, burns are better. Hair is still cut kinda short to compensate, and eyelashes are still short. Finger burns are all healed. Just some peely skin left.

    Doggy avatar is still around. Just on a rest break. Maybe she'll get a new one on her annual vacation to the Paw House Inn in Vermont this October. It's a B&B for dogs and their people.


  3. :wink:

    I found BurnJel Plus (first aid for burns, scalds and sunburns) to be effective.

    The relief wasn't immediate, but it had a nasty steam burn to contend with.

    The first choice, of course, is a bag of niblets or peas right from the freezer! The bag conforms to just the right shape, and the contents make a comforting "shushing" sound as I dance around the room from the pain of the burn. ;)

    For burns in more, um, awkward places (like the tummy from splashing sketty sauce), nothing to do but hold the ice baggy in place for a while.

  4. ... 'course I haven't made a habit of burning myself in various places either... :D:joystick:

    Yeah' date=' she got prolly bout 300 posts outta that burn den she?[/quote']

    Cooking is a contact sport, and is NOT for sissies, I'll have you know! :smt065

    And that other burn was from highly trained attack spaghetti sauce! Not just some amateur stuff. I was lucky to come out of that alive! :shock:

    Sanny' date=' that's a captivating avatar :D [/quote']

    Thank you, Curlydeer. :smt083 Just a little something I picked up on my vacation.

  5. Holy avatar makeover' date=' sanny! You're.... you're... a GURL.[/quote']You sure? Maybe "Sanny" was pictured in the other avatar - the blonde furry one with a wet nose. Could be this avatar is just a trick. :wink:

    Or maybe just somethin I found on the internet, next to the silicone toys and batteries.

    Just keepin an eye on you guys, is all. Carry on. :)

  6. Nah' date=' nobody's mentioned it [b']here until today. It gets mentioned all the time but this is where we put those indispensable tools like grill cleaners, chili cookers, and draft control devices. :toothy10:

    Yeah' date=' well we haven't mentioned forks here either. Some things you just sposed to know about :eek:[/quote']

    Does this mean I need a whole thread on burn cream? :happy8:

    (this being my 1000th post, I give you all a big hug. :hug: )

  7. do so sir! if nothing' date=' just to keep you from hawking your inferior wares to the unsuspecting...[/quote']

    Yeah really, a few of mine had holes in them, so beware :shock:

    Yah, but just that one, and it got teeth marks in it, too!

    Maybe you need to get another one with a hole in it, in case that thing with teeth attacks again. :shock:

  8. you are right and it didn't! see why pork BBQ is so important? we're saving MARRIAGES here folks!

    Yup, it's all for the greater good!

    All good relationships begin with good pork fat. Woe betide the couple who begins with bad pork fat! Tsk tsk tsk... :(

  9. Holy cow Monkey...that Mad Max recipe looks awesome :eek:

    Trying THAT bird tomorrow, food porn to come. This will be a test for November's cook. According to Max the brining is optional...hmm, I've been brining for years :smt017

    Thanks Monkey.

    I have made a mad max chicken, upright on a beer can type setup. Yup, uh huh!! I recommend it.
  10. sanny is by far MY favorite kamado owner tho. ...

    so, if the careless word does get uttered here, try not to take it to heart. it is surely intended for other ears!


    :::blush::: Oh my!

    Hey, PC... how YOU doin? :wink:

    (I have a cobalt tiled K5, and it cooks nicely - when it's not burning my hair and eyelashes. I'd love a KK, but that's for "someday." For now, I do fine with what I have. And the forum family I've chosen. :) )

  11. It holds small amounts of lump together for a short cook. Dennis doesnt ship them anymore' date=' since its just as easy to fill the big basket and kill the fire when you are done.[/quote']

    He is still shipping them...it came with my new KK today.

    Your KK is out of existing stock, which is why it arrived so soon. Maybe he's not shipping the rings with the new ones from Surabaya.

    Send it to NC, so Ms. North Carolina has something to wear. :wink:

  12. Re: It's here!!

    I think I just realized that I watched (through your pics) your pool being built...sweeeeeet. (I'm pretty sure...do you have a web site that documented it?)... :D
    Chewlookinat, Curlydeer? I don't see a pool (new or otherwise) in those pics.

    You chewin on some local plantlife, or somethin? :?

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