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Posts posted by Sanny

  1. I know the feeling...I'm waiting on my tractor...waiting ain't fun :lol:
    I thought it was Mrs. Curly's tractor. You change your mind?

    Well, if you think I can get away with it, it is...otherwise it ain't ;)

    On advice of counsel, decline to give her the tractor, unless you also give her a sparkly bauble. A BIG sparkly bauble. :wink:

  2. Is that Sanny in the photo? :eek:

    Not that I'm suggesting that she's from the 50s!!!! :lol:

    No no, Ozzie. My hairs are straight, not curly. :) There's a pic of me on here somewhere...

    (I'm the brunette. The blonde is Livvy.)

    My hairs are very short now, though. Specially now that they got singed on one side. Hair guy had to snip snip snip to get them even on both sides, and kept laughing at me! Of course, he had a hot pink mohawk and a bolt in his lip, so I really don't think he had room to poke fun... :roll:

  3. I keep little flute glasses in the freezer on the door, near the bottle. Grab glass, bottle, pour, put the bottle back for next time. :)

    In fact, now I think of it, the bottle of limoncello I bought CAME with the glasses. And they really are perfect. Of course, have to fill them several times. :wink: But they're the right size that the liqueur is still cold by the time I get to the bottom of the glass (and need more).

  4. I'll stick with the chocolate truffles and if I were closer to Sanny I'd buy her a box to speed up her recovery!

    I'm better already, just thinking about it, Ozzie! :smt054

    Mmmm... chocolate... :wink: I've been going at the Nutella with a spoon. Medicinal properties, you understand.

    And thanks to everyone. Fingers are healing nicely. Peeling now, but that's part of the heal. No blisters.

    Ok, so no eyelashes yet, and I do need to get my hair cut so it's even...


  5. :ontopic:

    Just send him what you want it made of girl...you're that close to having it ;)

    Alas, good Curly, the funds that could go for a KK are earmarked for a trip to Mexico (or other warm place) with the Snooky in January.

    But a girl can dream. :wink:

    Look' date=' if Snooky boy can't pay for your trip and expenses to Mehico, he ain't eligible to have a lady like you. Just go to Taco Bell tonight with somebody worthy and earmark that saved money for something that'll last you longer than Snooky, cause honestly girl, he still ain't cuttin the mustard :roll: .[/quote']

    Snooks went back to school, remember? Money's all goin OUT, and nothin coming IN. Hard stuff for a grownup, living off savings for a couple years. We'll go somewhere warm and thaw him out for a week, then send him back to Rochester.

    Soooo, I'll save my nickels to pay my share of the trip, and dream about bright colored cookers. :)

    Besides, he's a nice Snooky. :)

  6. Re: Eye of the beholder

    Just send him what you want it made of girl...you're that close to having it ;)

    Alas, good Curly, the funds that could go for a KK are earmarked for a trip to Mexico (or other warm place) with the Snooky in January.

    But a girl can dream. :wink:

  7. Eye of the beholder

    I wonder how The Market would take to one with purples or teals?

    Maybe too whimsical for the average bear, but I bet that a combination of jewel tones (fuchsia, teal, purple) would be pretty too. Iridescent like a soap bubble. :)

    Ok, so my house is blue with fuchsia and white trim and purple shutters. What's your point? :wink:

  8. Lust...

    So beautiful.


    Since Trish's is a one-off, I'll have to dream about a different color. :) There are two blue-ish that catch my eye in the inventory. One looks like it's blue and green, or sort of like a cloud. R1 Supreme PLUS OTB KKSOTB256

    The other is just visible in the lower right corner of the glass green photo. Looks like different colors of blue tile. Kinda like the peppermint pink/red one, only blue.

    :) dreaming is good.

  9. Sanny.....girlfriend....that might make your butt look big :eek::D:D
    Hmm. You're right. Maybe if it were a different color? I don't do so well with the whole brown palette. Maybe something in jewel tones? :cheer:

    And you know, Trish, my earrings won't show in that! And it would be a bugger to accessorize. Maybe not such a good idea. :?

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