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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. From a man who knows and appreciates hand made works of art. You'll have to tell us how it cooks, Cozy! And post pics so we can see your wooden masterpieces next to Dennis's tiled one.
  2. Ugh. At that age, they'll put anything in their mouths. Daddies are supposed to protect them! Take it out of their hand, say "dirty," and wipe the handy. Ugh. Looks almost like they're swarming to attack the little bunny... Oh well. I guess they're better for her than fried chips and burgers, but that's just hard to look at. lol.
  3. YAY!! You're wonderful, as always. Where is the container landing in the US? Any idea on price per bag (after it hits US, but before distributed to consumer)? Whee!
  4. Sanny


    Ok, not necessarily a KK trick, but I learned a great way to make biscuits. Do you like cut out biscuits better than the drop ones? I do, but I hate rolling and cutting out circles, and re-rolling and cutting more. And the pieces of dough that get re-rolled never puff up as nicely as the others. Pat the dough into a circle about 8 inches around. Pizza cutter!! Cut into wedges. For the average batch, 8 wedges. They taste the same round or triangles, and these don't get handled and mushed around. Bet you could KK them happily while waiting for the meat to rest. Mine are 400 for 15 mins.
  5. Why is brisket pink? From the July/August 2007 issue of Cooks Illustrated "In the competitive bbq world, championship brisket always contains a thick smoke ring - the 1/4 inch pink layer just beneath the meat's surface. Often mistaken for underdone meat, smoke rings -which don't affect taste - occur in most bbq'd meats. Despite the name, smoke doesn't play much of a role in creating a smoke ring. It's actually caused by reactions that occur when meat is cooked for a long time at a low temp in a closed chamber (ie, bbq'd). The fire emits gasses that dissolve in the moisture on the surface of the meat to create new compounds similar to the nitrates that keep deli meats pink. I found that placing a pan of water in the grill added enough moisture to guarantee a proper smoke ring." End of CI blurb.
  6. Well, anyone have anything fun this weekend? I've got salmon smoking. When that's done, the brisket goes on. Costco had what was marked a flat, but had flat and point, separated. Too bad they took most of the fat cap off the point. Oh well. Salmon rubbed lightly with turbinado and kosher salt.
  7. Sanny

    My Pink KK

    Sheesh. Fun police are everywhere!
  8. Sanny

    My Pink KK

    Re: I'm going to have to call you out on this one.. Little girls are the best. Ok, little boys are the best, too.
  9. Sanny

    My Pink KK

  10. Vinegar will, too. Less toxic than bleach.
  11. No no, Curly - not tiled. It's textured. The blue (gonna be black) one. Remember? But yah, he should enjoy it anyway.
  12. article on brisket There's an article/recipe in Cooks Illustrated this issue (cooksillustrated.com) about "Authentic Texas Brisket." Pics of whole, point, flat, and the like. Looks yummy. Recipe uses flat, since that's more widely available. But guy who did recipe said he prefers it with point. Moister portion of the cut. Maybe I'll have to try it. Just to verify the recipe, you understand. The recipe shows a metal kettle, with offset coals for low and slow. At about 300, the cooking time is 6 hours or so, with a half hour rest. Brisket is brined and seasoned. *** I picked up a brisket on the way home, so I will try it this weekend. Flat, at Costco.
  13. No no no. If it's 20 people, get 30 lbs of butt. That's 1/2 lb per person (cooked), and 5 lbs for the cook.
  14. Sheesh, man! COMMISSION!!! You gotta have your cut! lol
  15. gas to start low and slow Hmm. I've not had trouble maintaining low and slow after lighting coals with the propane. I leave the gas on only for a short time, until I know a couple coals are lighted, and then shut it off. :::: YMMV.
  16. Oh, Whizzy, you know EVERYTHING!!
  17. Shooot. How different is "compressed into squares" from "extruded into hexagons"? Fused is fused.... I'm with Curly on that one. S'long as there isn't any petroleum or other ick on it.
  18. Sanny

    My Pink KK

    I think the problem was that you have a pink cooker. Kinda speaks for itself, no? Actually, I do like that one very much!! And your avatar, of course. But mostly the cooker. Could be cherry jello salad, with the marshmallows in it...
  19. Excellent. I'm cookin suppers and lunches for the week. And some roasty potatoes for Mommy - she special ordered a few, each time I fire up the cooker. It's raining.
  20. Sanny

    My Pink KK

    Um.. Looks like Christmas candy!! Beautiful, of course.
  21. I much prefer you out and cookin stuff for Chubby, and playin with us on line. Even if you don't think yer quite as smart as before. I think yer plenny smart enough. xo
  22. Um, better to not be gettin any smarter, than to drink and THINK yer gettin way smarter. Yer smarter not to? So, wait, that would make you REALLY smarter! Good for you!
  23. Well, I meant "pimp" in the more traditional sense - you're parading it around, lookin for "johns" to express an interest in an hourly ride. In this case, lookin for Curlys...
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