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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. If you deduct the ones about passing gas, and the condition of various digestive functions, I'm afraid you aren't at 5,000 yet, Dennis...
  2. what are we looking for? What does the 'jacket' look like?
  3. I liked the part where the people protested at a gov't office and poured buckets of mud in front of the building. Seriously, though, it's dreadful! I hope the people got out ok, even though they've obviously lost everything.
  4. Looks sorta like a Busby Berkley movie.... (forgive my spelling of his name). Waiting for Esther Williams to swim up through the middle.
  5. Um, you mean people posting so you have something to read? hehe -=Jasen=- Yah, that! Where's that feature?
  6. Where's the feature that makes there be unread posts when I look on the forum? Lot of times I check and there's nothing new. What's that about?
  7. Well, the chicken on a can worked pretty well. Not as moist as the hanger, but that could have been because the temp was higher in the cooker this time. I put a drip pan under the can, on the lower rack, and that kept the smoke to an appropriate level. And I had drippings for a sauce for the potatoes and chicken (remove grease, add a little wine, little drippings...). Someday, maybe I'll brine.
  8. Oh, and I am the geek - huh? hehe Not! -=Jasen=- You'll note I NEVER suggested I wasn't one. Just that you are!! hehehee
  9. Yukon Cornelius. Always lookin for silver and gold with Rudolph and Sherman.
  10. Nice supper, PC! I'm cooking another chicken. This one is over a pop can, half filled with wine. Bird is seasoned with salt and Mrs Dash, and whatever else was around. Drip pan on the lower grill, bird canned on the regular grill. Temp is at 400. Goodness, the lump in the bottom of the cooker must have been damp! Billows of steamy smoke came off it for the first few minutes. Probably also burning off the drips from the last chicken effort. I left the top partly open, as well as the draft door and the top damper, until most of the billowing stopped. Got the cooker up to temp, and put the birdy on. We'll see. Speakin of birdies... go Iggles!
  11. I don't find it at all difficult to light my Kong-like cooker with 3 balls of newspaper in a nest of lump. Worked quite well, actually. I finally hooked up the gas last night, though, and I must say it was simple to light it up with the flames underneath. But, if I run out of gas, I'm not screwed. Of course, I usually don't have newspaper... ::::
  12. That was nasty. He's all happy about his new cooker, and you called it something ugly. And he even bought the brand you approve of, and you still called it a bad name. I suggest Ingot!! or Nugget! Giant pieces of valuable gold. Or Ft. Knox, since wonderful things will be inside it soon as you get it. Or Rawhide. Gittem up! Move em out! lol
  13. The chicken turned out very moist and delicious, but the neighbors thought the house was on fire. It put out a LOT of smoke! Really, I'm not kidding. One of the neighbors across the street called over to ask if I was cooking something outside. Street was full of smoke. I didn't have a drip pan under the hanger, so the chicken dripped into the coals. No room for a drip pan under the hanger pole, though. (I have a size 5 cooker and the pole hangs very low into the firebox.) So, plan B... Next time I either get a stand up chicken cooker and put a pan under it, or I spatch it. But I do like the look of a whole bird, rather than spatched. Sigh.
  14. Weekend on a Thursday... Well, it's not quite weekend, but I'm cooking. My first whole chicken, and first use of a meat hanger. We'll see. Smoking over a chunk of Hawaiian guava. Hmmm. lol
  15. Re: New Door with US nipple.. It may be wonderfully functional but it gets an F in feng shui. What is it with you people and your gas fetish ??? What's un-feng about it, Gerard? How would you re-shui it?
  16. Does it come with the hairy arm, or is that an extra? Impressive, Jasen! You get to keep your geek laurels. Ok, really it's scary. But keep the laurels, just the same.
  17. Sanny

    Pork breast

    Yup, it's a pork belly. Bacon in the raw. They sell that at the local Chinese grocery. I've been able to use the meat for seasoning, but it's very very very fatty. But I guess that's obvious. I'm interested in what it comes out to be for you, Tobias. Can't imagine anything that would render that much fat out of it to make it edible in the ordinary western sense. Let us know!
  18. I just thought we had the best geek and didn't need any cheap immitations. And I got a finger for it. Sad.
  19. Sanny

    Pork breast

    My grandma, Anna Lucia, used to make a stuffed breast of veal. Wonder if that's a similar cut? The butcher would cut a pocket in it, and she'd stuff with tomatoes and cubed bread, and seasoning. Italian thing, maybe.
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