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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. How many cookers... I'm about to have ONE ceramic cooker! Delivery tomorrow. All supplies (except the meat from Costco) are in house, and I'm ready to Q! Pinchin some butt without gettin slapped!
  2. Better take some to your cardiologist next appt, too.
  3. Sanny


    Re: how about a small fan
  4. Sanny


    Actually, although I have been around people who partake of tobacco and other similar items of a "smoked" nature (whether leaf or flower), I've never done any of it. This lil asthmatic chile has more sense than that! I wheeze when I drive behind a diesel bus, so intentionally inhaling anything would be pretty stupid!
  5. Sanny


    Don't know what a rainbow vac is...
  6. Sanny


    Not that I'd ever have seen such a thing, or even heard about it (of course), but might there be some way to set it up in the manner of a ::ahem:: bong? Such that the smoke went through the water before it went into the ceramic cooker? Dunno how one would create a draw, though, to get the smoke to go where one wanted. Perhaps an exhaust fan in a closed tube, with one end of the tube above the water, other end in the ceramic cooker, to draw the smoke out of the burner, through the water, and push it into the ceramic cooker? Somewhat different from a Bic and a mayo jar, I grant you... But the principle is about the same.
  7. I recommend you take 3 or 4 to get the job done.. Of course you mean to carry the knocked down KK, right? I figured one small one would do, but maybe you're right... Strength in numbers, after all...
  8. Sanny

    Weight on Porch

    Re: The impressions will plump up and disapear
  9. Vented out the back, Whiz?
  10. Huh... I can still see Bugs' questions about tile loss "over there." The posts are just archived. ::::
  11. Sanny

    Website Suggestion

    Me? Naughty posts? I'm disappointed... You spoke so nicely about me before I joined the forum. Isee link below.) Is the honeymoon over? However, if your GF is tired of playin with yer dipstick and makes you do it yourself, I don't see how that's my fault... http://www.komodokamado.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=308&start=15&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=sanny
  12. Sanny

    Website Suggestion

    :::swoon::: Oooh, the shame!
  13. What happened to the lizard thingy? Now we have a jar with a squiggle on it. Could the jar be magic? Rub on it, and the lizard pops out? Hmm...
  14. A defibrillator and a coupon for a free bypass? Ugh. [Note to the Mrs. : Make sure insurance policy (health and life) is paid up, with good limits. Tell boyfriend to start packin for Tahiti.]
  15. President Dubbya Curly.
  16. Don't forget the photos of the levitation part! The Amazing Kreskin always took pictures, and he had nuthin as interesting to work with as a ceramic cooker.
  17. Re: uh -oh... One does not discuss a lady's porkchops, F'monkey. It's very rude, especially if she's wearing one of the teeny undies on the right of the line. Even worse, though, if she's wearing some toward the left. And we certainly NEVER discuss whether a lady has whiz in her drawers... You guys should KNOW this stuff. What were your mothers thinking when they let you move out?? Sheesh. How DID you get along without me here?
  18. I liked the lion better.
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