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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. Sanny

    Air Leaks

    prolly look under "spring" in the search feature. Some folks adjust the spring and that goes away. Magic. Of course, YMMV.
  2. Sanny


    Brining bags on sale Bakers Catalogue (www.kingarthurflour.com) has large brining bags on sale. Small ones, too, for that matter. http://www.kingarthurflour.com/shop/det ... =8626LARGE Reputable company - I've been very happy ordering from this place.
  3. And to all a good night.
  4. pat pat, Deej. Gerard has "humbug" all sewed up. Sorry. Try again?
  5. Sanny

    Starting a KK

    Since he's in southern hemisphere, doesn't he have to start coals from the bottom with the weed burner? And can he use a ceramic cooker without all the coals falling out? Upside down is so awkward... Don't know how they do it down there...
  6. Deej, that whole "holiday" excuse is sooo shopworn. I mean, stores closed. Why? "holiday." Family all in a dither and expecting something good to eat, and not only presents, but wrapped ones! why? "holiday." Everyone is using that one - go back and see if you can come up with something better.
  7. The biggest problem with smokin a ham is gettin it wrapped in those tiny little rolling papers. Once you do that, the rest is easy...
  8. [email protected] is Johnnyboy, who is a member of this forum. He made the 'burka' cover you saw. They're great, and made of marine grade sunbrella fabric. Lots of color choices, too. I have one!
  9. My Johnnyboy Jammy cover is blue. S'wonderful! Prolly Mel's is nice, too, but I don't have a Mel. I have a Johnnyboy.
  10. Sanny

    On the Chuckwagon

    Re: what's chipped, Yeah, I remember SOS quite well while in the military.I din't do military. But I like SOS at the local diner. And some places even serve it on a WAFFLE!! Be still my heart... (which, of course, it will, if I have too much SOS on waffles)! An excellent meal on a cold weekend morning.
  11. Yer NUTHIN if you don't have a school bus on blocks. Full length preferred, but shortie is ok. AND, better still, a frigerator and baftub on yer porch. LaZBoy on the porch is optional.
  12. Looks like only the happy excited ones.
  13. Jeeez... you don't know NUTHIN about geography. Lemons come from California and Florida. Sheesh.
  14. Hmm... instead of the Klan, we have the Taliban... Guess it's a trade off, huh?
  15. yah, Curly. At least they coulda tossed in a "Sanny" or "biscuit" or something, so I woulda understood a word or two.
  16. I bought my car in Idaho. Don't THINK it's a tater... Hard to tell, I guess.
  17. prolly ok, provided you don't mention veterans in the same thread.
  18. Sanny

    Butts tonight

    sheesh. there's one instance that 'no pic, never happened' rule coulda come in handy. unfortunately, there IS a pic.
  19. Sanny

    Butts tonight

    Dog dog And what's more, I need some puppy snuggles. Where's Chubby? I'm away from home for a few days, and there's no dog here. I miss my punkin head!!
  20. Sanny

    Butts tonight

    Sometimes it's a good rule. I mean no pics/didn't happen could get you out of quite a jam, huh? "What do you mean, honey? I came right home from work. You din't see pics of me at that bar, did you?" Actually, the pics to prove the cookin ARE there! Wait til family Christmas picture, and check out how we all need new clothes - in a larger size. Proof we've been cookin.
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