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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. Wow, Dennis! Lots of room to keep the lower grill usable now! Nicely done.
  2. Oooh, wonderful! Looks like they're perfectly done to me. What time is supper?
  3. Cookin the pork and veggies without charcoal? Hmmm... Or did you cook on something else and put the food on the cooker for the photo? I don't see any soot or other evidence of heat in there! :::suspicious:::
  4. Nice it goes all the way to the back. Good idear!
  5. Probably not "meat hanger" time of year. That feels more "fall" to me. Summer is for ribs and burgers and stuff. I've seen photos on another ceramic cooker forum of fowl on the hangers. Capon, chicken, turkey. I've also seen gyro meat done on it. That looks amazing! Beef and lamb, seasoned, packed around the hanger, and cooked slowly. Then sliced into strips for gyros.
  6. On the grill for Labor Day: 10 chicken legs (hoisin sauce based marinade), 2 ears of corn (foil wrapped, with butter, olive oil, seasoning), and 2 gorgonzola sun dried tomato hamburgers. The burgers went on a grill over a drip pan. Sort of an indirect method, I guess. No flipping, no grill marks, and very little grease. Dare I suggest, baked burgers? Very juicy, though. Experimenting with non-swine for the day. Of course, no one but me here to eat it. Snooky vanished to Massachusetts for the weekend. Mother asked when she'd get something off the grill (I did give her a bite of pulled pork, but she wasn't enthusiastic, so I'm not eager to waste my good q on her anymore). I called her to share chicken legs, but she's out and about somewhere. Oh well. Lots for lunches this week.
  7. Oooh, that meat looks lovely!! Mmm! Now, tell about the bananas! Never saw them on the grill. Are they like bananas foster, here? Brown sugar, butter, bananas cooked together, add brandy, and a flame? WHOOSH!! Served over vanilla ice cream.
  8. TLinder, how did it go? Your prime rib looked beautiful on the grill. If I calculate right, you took it off the grill at 2:00 am? Goodness! Good thing you were awake! Hope you were fit to visit with your guests - I'd have been very crabby to be awake at that hour. Tell us all the mouth watering details, and we want PHOTOS!! Best to the Lovely Mrs. Linder, too.
  9. Re: OTB but... Looks kinda like the rubbermaid in the back yard. But would prolly smell better.
  10. Re: What's going on the grill for Labor Day weekend???
  11. Hey, don't forget "fleeing Cylon tyranny" in the original Battlestar Galactica! Oh, feldercarb! But yes, sleestaks are the worst. Where's a pylon when you need one?
  12. Funny... I was just having the "how to get to high heat" issue with my cooker. Seems I am conservative with my air flow. And negligent clearing my fire grate. Oooh, the shame....
  13. wow... 24 hours for 3lbs of meat? I'm no expert, but that seems WAY too long. Like, by half a day! But I defer to the experts.
  14. Tastes pretty good, too. I could have left it in a bit longer. And I perhaps kneaded it too much. The crumb texture is too fine for my liking. It's this recipe. http://www.kamado.com/discus/messages/2 ... 1156696654
  15. I tried bread! Dunno how it tastes. Bread in! Bread out!
  16. Yah, but you had a couple fishes, too, right? Few baskets of that left, as well?
  17. What, she was there when they started it? Kept a little tucked in her apron?
  18. Prolly his fingers are all sticky and keep gumming up the camera buttons.
  19. Sanny

    Creosote ?

    Burning telephone poles and railroad ties again, are we?
  20. Tlinder, I like your posts. You said your wife is a domestic godess! I think now whatever you say is wonderful. Any guy who knows his wife is a godess is a good fella. :* You and she are lucky to have each other. Glad you know that!
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