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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. SELF? As in, me and I? Or sHelf? What is your self made of? (yah, I know, skin and bones, and some bbq...)
  2. Another brand that folks seem to like is Fibrament-D. I got mine at www.bakingstone.com. The prices there include shipping. Make sure you go to the area that has stones for grilling, and not just the home use area.
  3. You get arrested for that in NJ...
  4. woof Me, I like the dog biscuits in the tupper behind the meat. What's that, some sort of bribe for the dog? Here, eat these and pretend there are not 70 lbs of raw meat on the counter next to them.
  5. There are locking bolts that go into the corresponding tubes in the cooker of non-Indonesian origin. Sort of fat with a split in them. When I tighten the wingnuts, the bolts do what they do to keep the door tight to the cooker. Then the hole in the door is where one would put a Guru if one had one. Or they sell a silicone plug that adjusts to let air in. Seems to work fine. Both the plug and the door are BBQGuru products. I have the gas attachment for my cooker, and the OEM door is attached to that. So far, I've not found the gas thingy necessary to light the lump, so it could be a while before I install it. Besides, I forgot to buy a bottle of gas. I neglected to purchase a solid door from the OEM at the time of purchase, but this might do. For hot heats, I've been warned I might have trouble getting enough air in, though, through the guru hole. Perhaps just taking the door off would work at high temps. Blast furnace style. lol
  6. You go gettem, Jasen! Bad hounds! No biscuit!
  7. Prenup??? Where's the romance in that? Friggin lawyers ruin everything. Hunny, if yer gonna hook up with a lawyer, you gotta expect some of this stuff... Nup or nupless, I get the dog.
  8. Nope - prenup says I get the dog. Non negotiable! After 11 years, she's part of me. But at least you understand about our common posting name, now. Progress!
  9. Thanks! I had some for lunch today, and it was yummy from the microwave, too. A coworker forgot her lunch, so I split my little portion into two littler portions, and we shared. Tastes much better shared, by the way. Yah, Livvy now checks around the cooker "just in case" there might be a little "love" left outside for her from the last time she checked. lol Hmmm... brined pork? Never knew one could/should brine a pork. I thought that was more a bird thing. Sounds yummy! With what does one brine? Costco had the prettiest pork loin, too.... I saw a stuffed pork loin that just looked amazing!! Stuffed with all sorts of yummy things. Might have to try that, too. Of course Snooky says he doesn't really eat much red meat (he must not have read the ad about pork being the other WHITE meat), so I might have to Q him some fish or seafood pretty soon.
  10. Jeez, Gerard. Isn't it obvious? It a couple! She's Sue, and he's Mr. Tim. Shoulda been plain as day to you! (or maybe he/she has a grudge, and wants to sue Mr. Tim for something)
  11. My cooker is a size 5, and so is its cover. The cover guy does make all sizes, as far as I know. I've not opened all the boxes of lump, but what I've seen is nice and dry. No fur.
  12. There is a guy who does custom covers. His name is John. [email protected]. He did a beautiful job, no? I believe he had been an upholsterer in a past life. And I thought the price quite reasonable for a custom made cover. Perhaps he could work with you to make one for your otb. Mine is Sunbrella fabric, which is good in sun or rain or snow, and it has a bungee cord below so it doesn't flap in wind. Looks rather like a content bhudda, all covered um. Mmmm....achieve Nirvana by eating Q... That, or someone threw a sheet over "Danger, Wil Robinson!" (edit for spelling)
  13. My neighbor had a restaurant, and used to bring home giant ham bones (from soup) for her dog. Gave Livvy one, once. Not only did Livvy get mean and nasty, but the "ham bone hangover" was misery for us both. Goodness, what it did for both ends of her digestion! Never again...
  14. Nope, no real bones for Livvy. She gets nasty and snarls to protect them. But she had a rib end or two, and liked it just fine! And she's been out in the yard "helping" by cleaning the drips on the cement around the outside of the cooker. Naturally, it is pure altruism and desire to help that motivates her. Not that she's suckin pork juice, or anything.
  15. The butts were good - lots of chewy bits. Yesterday's ribs were great! I did them low and slow for over 6 hours, with some Dizzy dust, and then basted in the last hour with some maple syrup and cider vinegar baste. They're even better today, reheated in the 'wave, which leads me to the conclusion that they could have stayed on a bit longer. Wouldn't have hurt, except we'd have all starved to death. I gave a slab (of the two I made) to my dad, and we had a few ribs (and grilled scarygrass, bok choy, and corn) for sup. Today I wrapped 3 or 4 for a delivery guy (and two fresh garden tomatoes) who dropped off a pallet of coconut extruded lump. Better than cash for him, but I think I gave too wealthy a tip. Seems there are only 4 ribs left, out of 2 slabs. Whahappend?
  16. CAUTION: Some viewers may find the following photos offensive, since they depict a ceramic cooker of non-Indonesian origin. Tough. Livvy and her new cooker: Pork butts, with Dizzy dust, ready to go! Someone's awake WAY too late... Bedtime for cooker.
  17. I don't think I wanna show you pics of my first cook. Hrumph.
  18. Sanny


    Maybe it's just tryin to be like Mick Jagger. You know, his "sweet potato in the jeans" look... If you put jeans on the chicken, it would look the same, I bet.
  19. Yah, but it's the powdered stuff. Cannot bring liquid on board to reconstitute it! Bleh.
  20. Probably took you less time to drive than it would have in the airport and sky, etc. I almost never fly anymore for anything that's a 5 or 6 hour drive. By the time I drive to airport, park, go through security, fly, wait for luggage, it's the same amount of time as driving! And I know I am less likely to lose my own luggage.
  21. Um... might be a couple hours! I was hoping I had until 6 for the 11 or so lbs of butt. BUT, it's at 170 internal now, after "only" 5 hours. I'm hoping this is the plateau... I had a bit of a runaway on the temp. It was happy at 200-250, just hangin out for hours, so I went to bed. Forgot to put the car in the drive, and checked the temp. UGH!! 300. Dial her down, boys!! Yes, I took another pic while I was there in the dark. (note to self: light in the back yard would be a good idea.) But oooooh baby do they look good. I peeked. How better to lower the temp of the cooker, than to open it and let heat out, right? MMmmmmmm. I'm meeting Dad for coffee in the morning - he may get butt with his bagel!
  22. It's official... I now have ONE cooker! Couldn't have gotten it out of the crate without Snookie, but he's a gem. I had to have a nap after getting the cooker into place! Managed to start a fire in it (newspaper and BGE lump) and get the coals going. I have gas option, but forgot to get gas bottle. Now there are 2 butts in there, smoking happily over lump and Hawaiian guava wood. Just a chunk or two. Temp is steady at 200 for now. I could go higher, I suppose, but I'm pleased with myself to get the temp steady at that temp, so I'll leave it. Maverick thermometer is keeping track for me. Ok, so I'm running outside every half hour or so, but I'm not opening the lid! I have pics to post later.
  23. I'm still waiting... "sometime between 9 and 5" is a long time to sit and wait for a delivery of a ceramic cooker. Sigh. Would have been here yesterday, but shipping company thought they could use levitation to get a 500 lb pallet out of a delivery truck onto my driveway. Rather put out that "delivery to a residence" didn't include a loading dock. :::: Oh well. I dreamed about grilling a pork roast last night. What a lovely dream...
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