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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. Spun a chook for dinner tonight. Hadn't done one in ages. Used the basket splitter, fire in the rear, with a chunk of cherry wood. Ran about 350F for a bit over an hour. Plated with sous vide mashed potatoes and a nice side salad. Tasty rose was a good accompaniment.
  2. Funny, but I had a similar thing happen tonight during my spun chook cook. The pointed end piece (I leave it on) unscrewed a bit during the cook, so the assembly wouldn't come off easily. Had to run grab a pair of pliers to screw it back on enough to get the chook off. It's always something on many cooks - gotta stay on your toes (and limit the adult beverages - a bit!)
  3. No, Bruce, please, don't go over to the dark side - beets do NOT belong on a burger!
  4. Take your time, plan out the route, and have plenty of muscle handy. And, adult beverages to celebrate afterwards and to bribe the extra help.
  5. Preach on, brother. As Neil Young so prophetically put it - It's better to burn out, than it is to rust!
  6. tony b

    Nigerian Suya

    Good reminder - I haven't made a batch in way too long.
  7. All these cooks are making me seriously hungry. Keep up the great work.
  8. To fix your loose tile, you will need to heat up the grill again and push it down as it cools to reattach it. Then put the grout on it after it cools.
  9. Welcome to the Obsession! Very nice BB - a monster of a grill. You're going to be amazed at the quality of the food that comes off of it. Pics are greatly appreciated here.
  10. Congratulations and welcome to the Obsession! You're going to be seriously impressed with how it cooks!
  11. While that is a very nice adaption, I like my Grill Floss - it solves the length issue. YMMV
  12. No problem. We'll be waiting with bated breath.
  13. I liked the look of it, but definitely not the rest of the design and most definitely the price is insane!
  14. Welcome to the Obsession. Great choice of color, btw! Nice job on the spatchcocked chicken.
  15. Interested in what you think of them?
  16. Just need to source it. Will talk to my local butcher or check Porter Road.
  17. tony b

    55 lb pig

    A whole clod is an ambitious cook. Perfect for a bucket list. Good Luck .
  18. I fell in love with pork knuckle in Germany back in the early 80s. I've never tried to make it.
  19. Try Franklin's method with the pink butcher paper. Wrap after the stall around 170F.
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