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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. tony b

    Lamb ribs

    Can't wait to hear how they came out?? Looks tasty! But I'm shocked that you have any of my rub left!!
  2. tony b

    Pork ribs

    Great to hear that you liked it. I might have to go back to the store and get some for myself!
  3. Just checked. It's still giving the same error message on the "like" button.
  4. Hope it goes well. Next time consider pink butcher paper instead of the foil. A few of us here like that technique better (it's Aaron Franklin's method).
  5. Having some issues on the Forum today. Can't use the "like" function on a post. You click on the button and a box pops up saying "Sorry, there was a problem reacting to this content." The Unread Content feature is misbehaving as well. It takes you to the first post of the thread, not to the most recent unread one. Also the navigation buttons at the top of the threads aren't working smoothly either. If you click on the Last or Next page buttons, it stalls for quite some time and then pops up a notice asking if you want to go the first of the newest posts.
  6. I have a dual output one, but ganged them together with a tee connection into a single tube into the cold smoker. Just another way to skin that cat!
  7. tony b

    Nigerian Suya

    Goal is to post your box of goodies on Monday. I'll be whipping you up some of Batch #2 shortly!
  8. While they are quite pretty, they are still spiders - eww!
  9. tony b

    Nigerian Suya

    Well, while today's experiment didn't find the elusive "je ne sais quoi" in tekobo's spice mix, I have to say that it's pretty damn good regardless. The major changes were Nigerian Maggi cubes, Javanese long pepper, Grains of Salim, Indian chili pepper, and some Urfa Biber. In a side by side tasting of my previous batch (#1), this batch (#2) and tekobo's blend (T), I have to give the nod to Batch #2. By the end of dinner, my nose was running and the top of my head was sweating! Plated with local sweet corn (amazing!), some nice toasted cumin seed Basmati rice and side salad. The TJ wine (GSM - Grenache, Syrah, and Mourvedre) was a perfect accompaniment.
  10. Tell here it's for doing raclette!
  11. It's what we do here. We all love to cook and think the KK is the best grill/smoker out there.
  12. I think this horse is dead, we can stop kicking it now - LOL!!
  13. Best source for smoking wood - Fruita woods. https://fruitawoodchunks.com/ I usually have several on hand - cherry, apple, peach for flavor; hickory, maple, and red oak as a base. Need some mesquite, but they are currently out. Dennis' coffee wood is very nice. Check out the Naked Whiz's charcoal database as a great resource. http://www.nakedwhiz.com/lump.htm I've tried a lot of charcoals over the years. My favorite unfortunately is very hard to get here - Weekend Warrior from Wicked Good Charcoal. Tried Fogo, but didn't like it - too big chunks, sparks like crazy, hard to light. Settling on Rockwood now because it's easy to get locally and it's pretty good stuff. Just recently tried the Kamado Joe lump; it was decent, but lots of very large chunks, burns OK. If I'm desperate, I'll use Royal Oak lump, not briquettes. Cheap, burns fast though, so you go through a bag pretty quick. Best advice - stay away from Cowboy! Don't be lured in by the wide availability and low price. Nasty stuff - leftover scrap lumber pieces. Burns like paper and often has an off smell.
  14. Well done, sir! It would be cooking without a bit of drama! Glad you sussed it out and knocked it out of the park.
  15. tony b

    Nigerian Suya

    Funny, but they sent me some of the sugar coated fennel seeds too! Must be their version of a "lagniappe." My Nigerian Maggi cubes came yesterday, so now I'm set to whip up the next incarnation of my suya rub recipe and see if the 2-3 changes I have planned will find that magic sweet spot (Je ne sais quoi?")
  16. Dennis chimed in before I saw this post, but as an owner of a 23" I was going to push back on the "can't do 2 zone cooking" notion, as I've been doing it for years. If Steven Raichlen can call his standard setup in a Weber Kettle, 2 Zone cooking, then a basket splitter in the 23" is the same thing. And, Robert is right, it's nice with the round basket that you can tailor the hot/cold half configurations to suit the cook. I often like to have the hot side in the back on a rotisserie cook. Just sayin' @Scott.W - So, all else being equal, pick the size that's going to give you the cooking space that you think you'll need for 90% of the cooks that you do. The other 10% you can juggle, as the cost-benefit says it's not worth the $$ for the bigger size if you only use it once or twice a year. IMHO
  17. Curious as to how much you "disassemble" the cold smoker to soak in the PBW? I was just thinking about taking off the top and bottom, but leaving the air tube on it?
  18. Duroc's are one of the "normal" breeds around here. I look for either Berkshire or Red Wattle. The other heritage breeds are Mulefoot and Black Swabian, but both are very hard to find retail, as most of it goes to high end restaurants.
  19. Glad the glasses made it OK, even if the Dougie's took a hit! Happy you could salvage it. I'll double wrap it next shipment. Scored the Makers glasses while down in Kentucky on my bourbon swilling adventure. Didn't know if you preferred the round or the square, so I got both - ha, ha!! When I went to the local BBQ store to pick up a couple of things for you, the lady there had me try several new items; the pickle salt and the gunpowder rub were spontaneous purchases. I'll be curious as to what you use the pickle salt on - it really does taste like dill pickles!! I'm normally not a fan of rubs with charcoal in them, but this one (gunpowder) was actually pretty tasty. ENJOY!
  20. I'll file that one away for a future experiment, maybe??
  21. I'll second the 100% pellets route. I started with small wood chips and struggled like the dickens to make it work - almost to the point of ditching the smoker entirely. Then I went with the mix of chips and pellets - better, but still struggled sometimes to keep things lit. This time was the first attempt with all pellets - worked like a charm. I'll deal with an occasional disassembly and cleaning if it continues to work as well as it did on Sunday. YMMV
  22. A good experiment, even if unintended.
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