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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. For a "tumbling dice" rotisserie chicken, MacKenzie, it looks pretty damn good! But, I don't know about that "faux tofu stuff"?? You were almost making falafel, so you should have gone "all in."
  2. @ckreef - I wholeheartedly agree, especially after him buying the whole catalogue of Dizzy Pig rubs! But, at least he scored the 150th Anniversary sauce! @Bruce Pearson - that's going "all in" son, including the smoking wood chips! I was a tad more selective!
  3. Back in the day when I lived in San Jose, I had a 1975 Jensen Healey. I knew I-5 well. First time I hit 100 mph over in the valley, I remember the front end starting to lift and thought maybe I should back it down a notch!
  4. I'm guessing that using only the smaller pieces of lump might have something to do with it, but certainly not all, as small pieces do burn up quicker. I don't think the brand of lump here made any difference, as I've used both and they burn about the same. Next time, line the bottom of the basket with larger pieces and toss the smaller ones on top to help get it going. A full turn on the top was far too open for a low and slow cook. I'm leaning toward that being the culprit here over the size of the lump. One of the tricks of using the fan systems, regardless of brand, is to minimize the natural draft through the grill and rely on the fan to supply almost all of the air needed for combustion. With your top vent open that much, the grill was able to breath on it own. I'm surprised that your temps held as low as they did. I would have expected you to be about 100F higher than that for this top damper opening.
  5. tony b

    Nigerian Suya

    No doubt it will have my own spin on it; if nothing else, it will have Purple Crack in it - LOL! I'm just intrigued by whatever it is in the one you sent me that I can't put my finger on?
  6. There's always injecting the brisket. I like this stuff if I'm doing a Choice grade brisket. https://www.butcherbbq.com/online-store/Brisket-Injection-p64796418
  7. tony b

    Nigerian Suya

    I hope to have some of my final product ready to send you by then, so you can do your own comparison with the stuff your Mom's bringing. I did a quick experiment last night. I was cooking some pork chops, which were fairly thin and boneless, so I took one and pounded it out even thinner and skewered it with both your rub and my latest incarnation. I guess that I was a bit too light on the rub, as neither was really spicy. I just wanted to see if pork worked as well as beef with the rubs. Jury is still out I'm afraid due to my wimpy seasoning.
  8. If the corn is a bit sub-par, cheat and put some fresh tarragon in the foil pouch with butter and S&P. It will enhance the sweetness. When the good stuff comes in, I just put it straight on the grill and let it roast in the husks. Easy, peasy!
  9. I have fond memories of the Gilroy Garlic Festival! The most amazing garlic bread, garlic knots, etc. You stank for days afterwards, but it was great!
  10. tony b

    Nigerian Suya

    Did a Costco run today and what did I spot on the shelves? Yes, the peanut butter powder! So, if the rest of you want to try and make your own suya pepper spice, go to Costco and get the PB Fit powder. Or, be like me and buy it off Amazon and pay $3.50 more for it!! Still playing around with the recipe. Today I experimented with Black Cardamom, Curry Powder, and Urfa Biber (Turkish pepper). There's just something in the one tekobo sent me that I just can't put my finger on - the "je ne sais quoi?" I have a couple more things I'm going to try.
  11. GORGEOUS! Now I see why you're so eagerly awaiting them to open. If I remember correctly, they'll be all brown and gross by morning?
  12. I second your thoughts on 100% grass fed beef. I don't care for it. As you noted, even if cooked "correctly" it still comes out dry and a bit chewy. As Aaron Franklin says, "Always buy the best cut of meat that you can afford." I have a BBQ Guru DigiQ-II and I've never experienced a cook that blew through that much charcoal. Something else is at work here, but you said that your temps stayed steady???? Oh, one last comment, YES - the KK makes the BEST roasted chicken!! It's almost impossible to screw one up. ckreef actually did a test to see if he could dry out a whole chicken on the KK - NOPE!
  13. Serious beef ribs! @Bruce Pearson - It's a Shun. I own several. Very good knives, a tad pricey, but not over-the-top like some handmade Japanese knives that go for way more than these do.
  14. Many of us here are crazy big fans of Santa Maria style tri-tip. One of my fav dry rubs is Oakridge BBQ's Santa Maria. I even try and keep some red oak chunks around just for those cooks!
  15. All of the above! Depends on what I'm doing. So far, I've only used the cold smoker for doing just that - cheese, fish, nuts, etc. Not used it for a regular hot cook. My dutch oven smoker pot is my "go to" for longer cooks (over 2 hours). For short cooks, I'll just toss the chunks on top of the lump. My rec's on "must have" accessories: 2nd charcoal basket and splitter (2nd basket makes swapping out a breeze), rotisserie rod/forks and basket (each has it's purpose), pizza stone and Sunbrella cover (especially here in the Midwest.) Load up the pallet with as much cocochar, coffee wood charcoal and smoking wood as it will hold. Only way to get it now in the States. "Nice to haves" are the cold smoker and double bottomed drip pan. Depending on the home for your KK, the side tables coming in handy or have Dennis make you one of his custom cabinets (if you want to splurge a bit.)
  16. No, complete waste of time. You don't produce any smoke until you dry out the chips and then they burn up just as quickly as if you didn't soak them. Use larger chunks. Best source that I've found - Fruita woods.
  17. Excellent job hot smoking that fish, tekobo! @alimac23 - And those beefies look amazing!!
  18. To be honest, I started off with a Gin & Tonic - my "go to" drink when it's this hot! But, I'll make up for it this Saturday, as my homebrew club is pouring in the Quad Cities at a festival run by their homebrew club. Will quaff a few to beat the heat - ha, ha!
  19. This discussion was about using wood as the main heat source, like in a sidecar stick burner smoker. This is not recommended in a KK, as Dennis explained. We all use smaller chunks of wood for smoking, but not at the sole fuel in the KK.
  20. And, he'll help you pick through the myriad of accessories, too. We're also a resource for suggestions here on the Forum, as many of us have most of them and can help prioritize what's going to be most useful based upon your cooking style.
  21. FINALLY! The local roadside corn stands are up and running!!! Of course I stopped and picked up an ear for dinner! Was decent, but you could tell it's "early corn." Just didn't have the sweetness that it will have in a couple of weeks! BUT, much better than supermarket stuff that's probably almost a week old! btw - duck sliders in Chinese bao, with glazed carrots in orange and sesame oils with tarragon and scallions.
  22. All those are personal preferences, based upon lifestyle, family size, final home/location of the grill. As noted, Dennis is a Master at this, so chat him up (he LOVES doing it!) and he'll help you reach a decision. But, in the end, you're going to absolutely fall in love with whatever you decide to get. There is almost ZERO buyer's remorse here in KK land. In all my years on this Forum, I only recall ONE buyer who later regretted it and sold his grill. All the others who've sold were always due to other circumstances, usually moving to a place where they could take it with them and were heartbroken about it!
  23. tony b

    Funky Old Cow

    Sounds like this would have been a great time to use the wrap in foil, then towel, and into the cooler to sit until dinner, method. It will hold nicely for hours. However, those "funky cow" steaks looked amazing!!!
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