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The KK will be here the second week of February

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Your toes must be itchin, the window blinds up and the dog is getting extra treats for being on watch. It seems like an eternity since you placed your order, I do hope your end is in sight. You know we're having two feet of snow delivered up here tomorrow, but I'll be cooking just the same. Good luck.

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As a matter of fact, it's still shows to be delivered Monday Feb 7th. The delivery guy just called and said they'd be here in an hour and a half.  So if you guys have one coming, you shouldn't really believe what they say online.  Anyway, the shop is cleared out and I'm waiting on him. I do plan to bribe him to help me move it and to help me get the 192 pound lid on. I'll let you know how it goes in another thread on here. 

Edited by Poochie
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