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My Primary Business..

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As I've said, I've been designing furniture and textured floors here for 17 years. Woodworking has always been a passion of mine. My primary business now is Hand Hewn Floors. Wide plank textured teak flooring.

I just received these from a customer of mine so I thought I'd share them with my new Komodo family and friends...




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Teak flooring..

When it was available in the states it used to retail for $9-12.00. The actor John Malkovich did 2 houses with it, including the famous one in France. :wink:

Now I pretty much get my jobs from Interior designers and architects for hotel work, condo's etc.

All my textured floors are finished with an in the wood polymerized tung oil finish that's repairable unlike polyurethane.

If anyone is interested drop me a line, if I’m not booked solid, I'll be able to give you commercial ex-factory pricing :wink:

There is a partially finished web site www.HandHewnFloors.com

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Re: Teak flooring..

When it was available in the states it used to retail for $9-12.00. The actor John Malkovich did 2 houses with it, including the famous one in France. :wink:

Now I pretty much get my jobs from Interior designers and architects for hotel work, condo's etc.

All my textured floors are finished with an in the wood polymerized tung oil finish that's repairable unlike polyurethane.

If anyone is interested drop me a line, if I’m not booked solid, I'll be able to give you commercial ex-factory pricing :wink:

There is a partially finished web site www.HandHewnFloors.com

I'm currently searching for a home in the greater Denver area...I will definitly keep this in mind...it looks really nice...I assume your price was per square foot?


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Furniture and Pre-Hung Doors and Getting a New Komodo . . .

Hi Dennis,

I'm trying to make my house safer. A crack addict pretended to be a neighbor in need pounding on my front door at around 9 PM, but in this area you learn very quickly to be on guard and armed, if at all possible. Fortunately, my only injury was a slight cut on the bottom of foot. He broke his crack pipe on my porch and I stepped on it--not pleasant at all if you've ever had a foot injury . . .

I need 2 exterior doors and perhaps 3. The third would be for the kitchen--it is interior, but I think I need the strength of an exterior door. Anyway, I remembered how beautiful your floors looked and that you loved working with wood and hoped that you might be into making doors as well.

I've finally learned how to cook excellent tasting vegetables on the Komodo. All it took was tin foil and a little olive oil. :) I made some ribs for a friend and she seemed cautious like I was trying to give her unwanted left overs. It was a very small portion just so she could taste it and most of the women I know just want to eat salads. I saw her the next day and she asked for more ribs. :) When I said that was all I had she said she was going to the BBQ place some miles away just to try and get that flavor. :) It is a very nice feeling when people like your cooking and in this case it is all due to the Q.

My Q is starting to show signs of all the constant use. I had thought that because it is just me now that it wouldn't be getting much use, but that hasn't been the case.

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Re: Furniture and Pre-Hung Doors and Getting a New Komodo .

... I made some ribs for a friend and she seemed cautious like I was trying to give her unwanted left overs. It was a very small portion just so she could taste it and most of the women I know just want to eat salads. I saw her the next day and she asked for more ribs. :) When I said that was all I had ....
Yah, you have crack addicts in the neighborhood, and you're the local BBQ pusher. "Sure, I'll be glad to give you a little sample," he says, "but if you want more, it's gonna cost you." Hehehe. Gettem addicted, then raise the price. ;)
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Hi Dennis,

Those are some good looking floors! I just bought a house in Los Angeles (as an investment--Ho Ho) for my daughter to live in.The house was built in 1929 and when the floor finisher ws done he said this was the floors's last sanding. Knowing my daughter, we will probably be wanting about 1,000 SF in a few years!

By the way, my hot tub and cooker are finally going to be hoisted over my house in Breckenridge Tuseday morning at 9:00 AM! The cooker has been sitting in the garage all this time waiting for the snow to melt and the Spa manufactuirer to catch up on his deliveries. Here's where it will go. This summer we are going to extent the big gable over the patio so I can cook in all weather. (The cooker & hot tub go in the back.)




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