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I'm off to Bali for the week..

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I'm off to Bali for the week, so I won't be online quite as much. I'm going to move the family and ultimately KOmodo south one island.

I hit 20 years in Surabaya this month and it's time for a change. I was waiting for my ducks to get all in a perfect row and move to Thailand but you know how ducks are.. They are never in a perfect row...

So sometimes you just need to grab the horns and make things happen..

It's only an 8 hour drive and 30 minute flight but it's a world away as Bali is Hindu and Java is Islamic.. That's why I'm always fillin' my suitcase with pork when I go there..

I'll eat some roasted pig for you all...


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Re: I'm off to Bali for the week..

I'm off to Bali for the week, so I won't be online quite as much. I'm going to move the family and ultimately KOmodo south one island.

I'll eat some roasted pig for you all...


When is the move happening...

Might be another reason to for us to visit Bali (it's becoming a big Aussie tourist drawcard again 6 years after the bombings).

Have fun!

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I'm beat but back...

It's been a long week both frustrating and fruitful. Sai and the kids had never driven from Surabaya in East Java down to the ferry and over to Bali, so I decided to drive there ourselves..

We packed up the big Land Cruiser and left last Monday morning about 6:45.

Eight hours later we were at the ferry.. driving here is much like a video game with goats, chickens, horse pulled carriages, cow pulled carts, overloaded top heavy trucks, speeding bug busses with weaving fearless motorcycles thrown in to pick up the excitement. Solid white lines (same as our double yellow) don't seem to deter the busses from passing.. problem is they will still do this uphills and on blind turns using some kind of ESP. It's terrifying to say the least.. Last time I made this drive ten years ago, I swore I'd never do it again. It's just as bad now and I'm swearing I'll never do it again now..

We waited only about 20 minutes for the ferry and I slept like a rock the entire hour across.. Four hours later we were at the Villa in Kerobokan. It took a total of 13 hours to get there.. only tinkle stops for the kids.. I was more than beat...

An old friend set us up at an amazing large villa for only $160 per night.. Sai's niece and romantic interest from Thailand came down and split the villa with us.. The place was the best value of my life.. and made Sai VERY HAPPY. take a peek here if you like.. http://www.BaliMaja.com That's what living in Bali should be but it was only lacking the ocean or rice terrace view.

We found a great school with great facilities which was just built last year, the Gandhi Memorial International school. Built for 750 students they only have 150 so the classes are small. No danger of it closing as it's owned buy the Gandhi school in Jakarta with 2,000 students. Nong will only have 10 students in his class ;)http://www.gandhibali.org

It is high season and every available house is pretty much rented or so terrible and poorly designed a westerner could never live there.

We're not going to rush into anything so we've decided to stay at some serviced apartments at a older resort until we find something.

I had my driver take a buss down to bring the car back.. we flew back.. only 30 minutes late last night...

Ok enough about last week.. Got home by 10:30 by 1:30 I had almost caught up on Emails and booked 9 deliveries from the container that cleared customs last Thursday.. New record.. 9 KOmodos pre sold in one container.

The CoCo charcoal container arrived on Saturday.. Now the US customs and homeland boys will futze with it.. I'll get out the newest shipping quotes to those who are chomping on the bit.. Don't worry it's not going anywhere guys..

Ok.. done with my first blog type report.

Gotta keep you up do date with what's going on with myself and KOmodo..


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The terrible life I aspire to live in!

I'm sorry, but after seeing how beautiful the place is where you stayed, the only place you'll find sympathy is between shit and syphilis in the dictionary buddy!!!!!!!!! :evil: Damn you live a terrible life!! :roll:


That's not the terrible life I live but the terrible life I aspire to live in!

It was really beautiful..

Loved coming home everyday, sitting in the oversized couch and doing nothing except an occasional tilt of a wine glass.


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