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The Experiment

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This experiment reminds me of Heston Blumenthal's "In Search of Perfection" series, so I went looking:
How to make Heston Blumenthal’s Triple Cooked Chips recipe: A definitive step-by-step guide
His first cook is simmering in a pot of water; this is the step where I'd swap in sous vide. Otherwise, follow his method to the letter, to see what he knows?

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Syz, I will read that with interest.:)


Right now I'm working on a recipe from chefsteps.com.


This the procedure I have in the works. I am ready for the second fry later today I hope.:) I already did a one fry and a two fry using this method but I over dried the potatoes, so changed the drying time from 2 hours to 1 hour.


Cut fries maximum size with mandolin, ~ 13 mm.

Rinse in cold water until water runs clear.

Weight fries and add an equal amount of Glucose Solution to an SV bag.

SV for 18 mins, fries should be in a single layer.

Shock in cold water.

Drain and blot dry. Place in dehydrator for 1 hour on no heat setting or very low setting. Check after half an hour to see if they are dry. This is important.


For 1 Fry Fries:

Freeze the fries.

Heat oil to 355F allowing for a slight drop when the fries are put in. Fry until desired doneness about 4-5 mins.

Blot oil off and salt the fries.


For 2 Fry Fries

After drying fry the fries at 266F for 8 mins, stirring and checking the temp.

Blot dry and cool.

Once they are cooled freeze, this is important, the ice crystals will break open the cells and release the liquid.

Heat oil to 374F and fry for about 2-3 mins until desired colour is reached.

Blot oil off and salt the fries.


Glucose solution:

1 000g water

2.5g baking soda

1.5g salt

10g glucose or 2.5g sugar


Recipe is very largely from chefsteps.com


These were SVed for 17 mins. then put in the fry to dry for about 3 hours then I decided why not try the dehydrator so I put them in there for 2 hours which was too  much drying.




These are the one fry chips at 350F for 4-5 mins.



One fry interior-




Two fry  method, first fry-




Second fry-




Two fry interior.




They were both crispy but the 2 fry was even more so and stayed crispy until they were all eaten. I am on another trial and have tweaked  things a little so we'll see how that goes.

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The fries were crispy but over cooked. I would like to have started with bigger potato pieces and in order to do that I'll have to hand cut. That's asking for trouble but we'll see. I do want more inside the fry.


Made poutine with these fries-




Back to the drawing board.:)

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Another try today with thicker fries, about 19 mm. SVed for 25 mins. They do have some rough edges but more would be better. Next time I'll SV for 28 mins.


Ready for 25 mins in the dehydrator set at about 90 F to dry them.




After the first fry.



Froze the fries for about 1.5 hours and put them in the oil at 374F for the second fry which lasted 2 mins. Here they are just after putting them in the hot oil. It looks like the water in the potato is working it's way out.








Poutine dressed.:)





It really was delicious but I would like a thicker crust on the fries so I'll SV for an extra 3 mins. The inside of the fry was perfect, just need to work on the crust. :)

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