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butter and/or oil replacement

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You got me looking as I feel there is no good substitute for the taste of butter in cooking.

It's an interesting article and maybe in brownies or some cakes but I don't think I could do the butter substitution in most other things. Beans just aren't going to work in a buttery shrimp scampi recipe.

Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT

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That's good to hear. Times have sure changed over the years.

In the 50's if you talked of going to the moon you might well get put away.

There were no strip centers, short stops, or pr-packaged meats. The morning paper was delivered before 6am by a 13 year old boy like me and a four lane road was front age news, while Saturday morning was 15 cent movie time for every kid in town.

Margarine with the little orange package you had to mix in had not hit the stores yet. Lard was the cooking lubricant and was kept on top of the icebox. Coke was 3 cents with a 1 cent bottle deposit, you could still get bets that you couldn't pour a full Coke into a Grapette bottle, and everyone just knew there was prune juice in Dr Pepper. Don't even ask when the last stick horse was seen or when the hood mounted push to open car air vents left our world. Eh.  I still use lard for cooking and watch old movies on Saturday morning. Life is good and going downhill is fun.


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As one might guess from my chuck roll post I am a gym rat. That said and done, my motto is Train to Eat and Eat to Train. I am not trying to be Mr. America, nor Captain America. I just don't want to be the Michelin Man either. The key in most things is balance. I would never give up natural fats for processed ones. Flavor rules the day. Simple foods are best. Stay away from packaged anything....except bourbon....

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