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Some truck driver just fell in love

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First time for everything..

Sent out my second OTB to Metairie LA in one week but this one went missing along the way.

Went online and saw it's status was O, S & D...

Wrote them and was told this stands for Overage, Shortage or Damaged….. and my shipment showed up at the destination terminal "short" so they have an “All Points Bulletinâ€

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Other customer in Metairie is named Murphy!

This Murphy can really be a pain..


I saw your post about the missing one and saw the name murphy show up. MY last name is Murphy!!! I hope that this is just a coincidence and my wife didn't buy me one after I just bought one!!

I got a good laugh out of that.. I was referring to Murphy's Law as in "if anything can go wrong it will".. Not his wife...

This is really fcu-ked because, that these things are not simply misplaced.. They just don't go anywhere with out a concerted effort, there must have been lots of collusion involved.


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murphy in metairie

that's me. the former kamado Dealer in New Orleans. Time to retire the old kamado. Actually have an interested party coming by on Sunday. $200.00 including the side tables, upper grill, and lower grill mount. Sorry 'bout the missing tiles around the lower draft door but they can be replaced!


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I found it, hilarious (wonder if it will stay up there, especially since a competitor is mentioned?).

Good 'ol Steve (only 3 posts on the K forum since 2001??) very helpful I personally used his EZ-que advise and used his potatoes recipe.

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with due respect....

Since I was a former dealer for the kamado and actually flew out to Sacramento to meet Richard and see the manufacturing site, I know exactly how the kamado is made. I origionally purchased 15 of them,an assortment of #5's and #7's, tiled and textured. Sold most of them in the new orleans area. Given the pluses and minuses of what Richard has done with the origional kamado imported from Japan, I still admire him for his ingenuity in re-designing the kamado. his innovations in design and function of this "ceramic" cooker is still being used today by several manufactures including our own beloved Dennis.

I credit Dennis with the admirable ability to improve on the past improvements and create a cooker that is comparable to none other!

in selling my kamado for 200.00 to someone who is new to this type of cooking, we just add one more person to the long list of people that can appreciate good, slow cookin' BBQ!

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Steve, good to hear that you got good mileage out of your K.

Since you were a dealer, maybe you could tell me who I should contact about a replacement, refund or even repair materials under my "lifetime warranty" or "10 year tilework warranty". The manufacturer has been wholy unresponsive. :wink:

I agree, Richard had a good idea as an original concept. Unfortunately, he does not have the integrity to match.

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respect, indeed

Steve, I'm a happy owner of a Kamado cooker #5. They just adopted me over here. :) So far, no problems with mine. And I've had positive experience with the company there in Mexico.

I, too, respect the improvements Dennis has made. And he's fun. :)

Glad you enjoy ceramic cooking, and are spreading the word. :*

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Please don't tell me you sold your #7 with goodies for $200.00??!

(Short explanation from noob to follow)

I feel like I'm at a KK meeting and I'm raising my hand and saying, "Hi. My name is Greg and I'm a Kamado owner." (Hi, Greg).

Anyway, I'm new to this forum, but I've had my K#7 for about 6-7 years. I used to live in Roseville, CA (right outside of Sacramento) and bought mine directly from Richard after the second annual cook-off at William Land Park. I've moved my poor cooker about 5 times since then and I've lost tiles (shocking, I know) and had the draft door metal frame come loose from the surrounding ceramic shell. I still enjoy my #7 and cook some fine BBQ, but Dennis's improvements have me in pursuit of a Supreme OTB. So, I need to sell my #7 but, I'd certainly hoped to get more than $200 for it.

[rant and short intro over, resume talking amongst yourselves]


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pay high, sell low!

I believe that as with cars, camera equipment, etc. that "ceramic" cookers are "toys" that we buy to enjoy and for what ever reason we have to sell them that it is difficult to re-coop a large portion of our investment. This is a very select market and I believe that most people interested are willing to spend the dollars to acquire new the brand that seems most appealing to them. I have seen posts in the past where people were able to sell theirs for prices much higher than i sold mine for. Advertise and see what you can get!

$200.00 for a #7 kamado with upper grill and two ceramic side tables, and upper grill, to boot! What a deal! The way i looked at it was basically it didn't cost me a thing. I sold 15 units in the new orleans area when I was a dealer for kamado and not only paid for my first kamado but made a tidy profit on top of that!

The one i sold had powder coated bands ( pre stainless steel options) which needed to be refinished and tiles that were missing that needed to be fixed. The guy who bought it this was his first intro to this type of cooking and as you are still enjoying your kamado, I am also sure he will be enjoying his introduction into "ceramic" cooking with tthis unit and at a great price!


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GB, I also will be selling my Mexi-K as soon as my KK gets here. I'm going to roll it out to the driveway one Saturday morning and fire it up with a for-sale sign on it. A few in my neighborhood have sampled my ribs, brisket etc and love it, but it never hurts to advertize when you sell.

I hope to get 300-400 for mine, even though it's 8 years old and has the powder-coated bands, it's in pretty good shape. And I've got lots of extras.

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You know, you can't get a small BGE for that amount. That's such a deal for who ever get's it. :shock:

It's tempting to just keep it around to do a fast cook while the good cooker chugs along on a low-n-slow. But, as good as that sounds, my #7 has sat around unused since I've had my KK, so I should just let it go for $200 myself. The good thing about letting them go so cheap is that you don't have to feel guilty as you lay in bed thinking about what it'll look like when the tiles fall off. Especially if you are sellinig it to a friend or relative...which is what I will probably do if I can sell mine.

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Curly, if its just sitting around doing nothing, "a bird in the hand..." $200.00 is better than nothing. All the many years you used it and enjoyed it can't be beat. Plus you can pass the torch to someone new and we have another enthuastic bbq'r within our mist! Plus i sold mine cash and carry; they did the moving! They are one heavy sucker to move. Actually i did help them remove the top and gave them a hand putting the bottom in a pick up.

good luck!


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... "a bird in the hand..." $200.00 is better than nothing...

Yeah, my brother-in-law has shown great interest...and about $200 is all I'd feel comfortable taking for it. It'll prolly end up with him. And like you, it's gonna be cash and carry. I'll have to get the cash first in case he drops it getting it off my porch :D Mine doesn't have side tables, but it also only has one tile missing...which leads me to believe that it's one of the good ones. If the tiles haven't started shedding in 5-6 years of constant use sitting uncovered, they were prolly done correctly.

Maybe I'll try to trade it for a small BGE and have me one I can take on vacation (or camping) with me :D I'd definately rather have a small matching tiled KK, but I believe it'll be several (or more) years before we see that new line out.

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