I gave away my first over-featured BBQ Guru, and used a Pitminder till it died. It had exactly what I wanted, a manual "rotary phone" oven dial. When it died, it had long been discontinued, and I didn't like anything I saw available, and went two years without. I had some big cooks this summer, so I bought a DigiQ DX2: https://www.bbqguru.com/StoreNav?CategoryId=1&ProductId=22
They've had a bit of trouble with too thick a powder coat on the case, causing the control buttons to push inward under a hot sun, and activate on their own. In my case, it set my target pit temp to zero, which I suppose is better than 450 F. I exchanged it (outstanding technical support) and I've had no further trouble. In principle, one voids the warranty by opening the unit, but it's held together by one easily removed screw; if I had a major cook on the line I'd open it again, sand the holes clean, and ask for warranty service anyways.
I'd buy this exact unit again. The WiFi has a definite appeal, but I like simplicity. I like that it fits the guru port on my KK, and I like that it runs on 12V not 5V, matching the needs of the LED lighting over our eating area. It was extremely helpful, stabilizing my friend's off-brand K5 while I was out playing.
One doesn't need a controller for a KK. One doesn't need a GPS for a car. The right degree of automation is a personal choice. I had no trouble turning out great barbecue during the two years I was without a controller, and yet I'm very happy to have a controller again.