It’s been a while since I’ve been able to post some cooks. I’ve been using Smaug over the summer, but have had very little time for posting.
Here’s a pork shoulder.
Here’s two more pork shoulders that I cooked at once.
And here’s a nice 12 lb. brisket, with before and after pictures.
There’s nothing special about these cooks. I’ve done them before, like many of you.
What all of these cooks have in common, however, is that I did the same routine for setting up Smaug for each one. I started the fire around midnight, set the vents for what’s worked for me for a low and slow cook (bottom vent barely open, top vent turned 1/4 turn), waited long enough to see that the thermometer got up to around 180-200ºF (about 20-30 minutes or so), and then went to bed. In the morning, the thermometer was pretty consistently right around 200-225ºF, which is where I wanted to be.
Probably better than anything else, this shows what the quality of a Komodo Kamado grill gets you: ease of control and repeatability in your vent settings. I’m confident enough in my grill that I was able to set the vents and walk away knowing that I would get really close to my target temperature.
I should mention that I’m usually not in the habit of doing cooks this way. In each case I was “volunteered” to provide food for a potluck or a party at the last minute, which is why I wound up doing the overnight cook approach. Still, it’s really nice to know that my KK grill is so well made that I can get results like this.