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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/17/2018 in all areas

  1. My Meater + units arrived yesterday. Two individually boxed units. I opened one of the units and left the other unit intact. After charging the probe I gave it a quick test. I put the probe in the KK and the Meater + charger/repeater on the grill table. I was able to get a good signal in the kitchen which is what I need. That's about as deep in the house as it would go but the kitchen is an acceptable range for my use. I'll do a rotisserie cook this weekend to get a real world test.
    3 points
  2. According to his profile he was last on the forum 12 hrs ago
    3 points
  3. Resurrected this old thread as I did another batch of the Denver ribs for a visiting guest, who likes lamb. Simple rub of Sucklebusters SPG (salt, pepper, garlic) and dried Greek oregano on one and fresh rosemary on the other. Cooked @ 275F indirect on peach and hickory wood (smoker pot) to an IT of 185F. I finished them off on the lower grate over direct heat @ 350F (dome) to add some bark and render some more fat. We were hungry, so no plated pics this time. But, they were very tasty.
    2 points
  4. My thanks to Tucker for showing me his collection of Komodo Kamado grills, they are even more beautiful in person that I could image
    2 points
  5. So which one of you was traveling through Atlanta Hartsfield airport? Please leave a description of your cooking method
    1 point
  6. Bruce, how are you doing? Haven't heard from you in some time, I hope all is well. Anyone, hear from Bruce lately?
    1 point
  7. That's really fast. My last wagyu brisket took about 18 hours at 225. Pre-trimming, it was about 15.4 lbs.
    1 point
  8. I tried my bottle of sauce to make a batch of burnt ends. They came out really good. Sorry, no pics as the brisket cook was totally off my planned schedule and I wasn't about to stand outside in 35F weather @ 6:30am to take pictures! I had put the whole brisket (prime grade) on the night before around 10pm @ 250F (Guru) and was expecting to get up in the morning to wrap the brisket in the pink butcher paper (IT = 170F), but when I got up to feed the dogs and let them out, I checked the temperature sensors and the brisket IT was already at 204F - YIKES!! So, I had to hurry and dress to get the brisket off and wrapped and into the cooler. I cut off the point and cut it into cubes for the burnt ends and used the Dragon Sauce - a good match. Burnt ends went back on the grill for another 90 minutes. Should have used a wider pan, as they ended up swimming in sauce and fat. Tasty, but not crunchy. The flat came out perfect - very tender and moist. I had injected it with Butcher's BBQ brisket injection and rubbed the outside with the coffee rub that Aussie sent me. A couple of lessons learned on this one - prime cuts cook faster than choice (this brisket was done in 8 hours @ 250F!); and, use a bigger aluminum pan for the burnt ends so they can spread out more and not be swimming - more surface exposure to the dry heat.
    1 point
  9. Yeah, I've been in his garage when it's running and it can take your breath away if you get a big whiff of it! You learn very quickly why they make pepper spray out of this stuff!
    1 point
  10. This stuff tastes bloody fantastic. Tried some in a quick cook up yesterday . I was not expecting two bottles cheers Jon. So I'm going to give one to My butcher. For his lack of customer service skills and sarcastic manner. Lol Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
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