I watched a guy make char siu pork on the grill on TV so I said to myself, "Self, if it goes on the grill, it's got to be better on my KK." All of that happened in the flash of a neuron or two and the decision was made.
So I found a million recipes, picked the one out below and then bastardized it to my liking.
I bought a bone-in shoulder with the skin on, deboned it, cut off the skin. I sliced it into strips (sort of) and marinated for 24 hours. I left out the honey, added brown sugar, and substituted rice wine vinegar for the sherry. I did not rub it with the rub the recipe said. I reserved about a cup-and-a-half of the marinade to use as a baste.
I put it on the KK at 250 with some apple chips. Left it for about 3 hours, put it in a foil pan and sealed it up for an hour. Cranked up the heat and basted for about 15 minutes and it was completely awesome. Better than anything I've had in a Chinese restaurant.
Sorry about the crappy picture. We were just about to tear into the pork when I remembered it all doesn't happen without a pic.