Say it ain't so Joe not here in good ol'America. You know just about everything should have a disclaimer and a buyer beware notice on it. Have you ever looked at all natural fruit drinks. The packaging leads you to believe it was squeezed an hour ago. It'll say 100% juice in bold letters and down a little on the package it'll say a flavored blend of these juices from concentrate with other natural flavors and ingredients. We are all conditioned enough now to believe that it's not true and what the package states doesn't necessarily mean that is what's inside. I have suspicion the plaintiff may be a lawyer looking for a quick settlement. Heck, you know and I know the Easter Bunny ain't real but, Santa, he's a definite. It's kind of like the vegan whopper, if it taste like a burger..must be a burger. I got a stick burner, my condolences to all you pellet burners