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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/04/2019 in all areas

  1. I live in the UK and four years ago was poised to upgrade my barbecue to a Green Egg. A US colleague said I should get a KK instead. I probed and upon learning of the weight, cost and need to import, I said he was crazy. As it turns out I didn’t get the Green Egg but also never forgot the KK. This year I bit the bullet and got in touch with Dennis. He was always available and helpful as I was making my decision. He was patient when I was freaking out about having wired $7k to Indonesia while my beautiful cobalt blue KK was sailing the seas to the UK. He set me up with a customs agent and transporter who delivered to my door. THANK YOU DENNIS! Taking the KK through the house I cracked a glass door and cratered two floorboards. (BTW I manoeuvred the KK 23” Ultimate alone including up and down steps so it’s possible in case anyone is wondering...and I am sure it’s possible to do so without damaging your house if you don’t have rotten floorboards, etc!) Witnessing this, my wife demanded we change the outdoor decking for flagstones as she thought the KK would collapse the decking (I suspect she always wanted the flagstones). Because of work I can only barbecue on week-ends but I spend every day thinking about what I am going to barbecue, how I am going to do it, what tweaks or tricks I’ll try, which tips from the Forum I’ll use....Come the week-end I’ll fire up the blue octopus as my kids call it and have the best time whether it’s an overnight low & slow or a quick blast grill. I do it whether it’s sunny or raining, warm or cold. I do it whether it’s for one person , two, five, nine or fourteen. Heck, I look forward to doing it when it’s snowing. I do not do social media (no Facebook, Twitter, instagram, etc) but some of the UK KK community got in touch to welcome me. The warmth and the passionate, friendly community are amazing. So I now do social media, but only on the KK Forum. The KK is by far the best gift I have ever bought for myself or for anyone in fact. Even my wife reluctantly admits it’s enhanced our weekend meals. The exciting thing is I have so far only experimented with a few cuts of beef and pork plus a duck. Lamb, goat, venison, chicken, pheasant, partridge, goose, the worlds of fish, vegetables, pizzas, bread and so forth are still waiting. I cannot believe that I waited four years. That was really crazy. I’m still a beginner but if anyone in the UK (or anywhere) is hesitating in their choice or has questions please drop me a line.
    7 points
  2. First successful reverse sear. Cote de boeuf with garlic, rosemary & thyme. I ditched the temperature probes and did it on time and touch and a bit of luck. Super fun to have the KK firing vs low & slow!
    5 points
  3. Those floor boards were a hazard, tell the wife you were lucky to expose them and had saved the family from a disaster waiting to happen. It's a great hobby and pastime that all enjoy the benefits of. Don't forget to keep it covered in that British weather you have or maybe you can use those old floor boards and incorporate them into this.
    2 points
  4. You've caught the bug really bad, I can tell! I sometimes think that the wait makes getting a KK all the sweeter. In @tony b's absence (off drinking beer somewhere) I will say: welcome to the OBSESSION!.
    2 points
  5. I was as bummed as Jon. Fingers crossed that 3rd times the charm! Beer festival this year is in Nashville - June 16 - 21. Here's why I was in Chicago - Blackout Friday - the annual release of Goose Island's Bourbon County Stout (and variations). Special tasting at the brewery.
    2 points
  6. My sister lives in the same town as our @tony b and I tried to catch up with him last year during a visit but he was off to a distant beer festival and I missed him. On Sunday evening before Thanksgiving, I found out a family friend had passed away and decided to drive to Iowa for the funeral. Didn't get a chance to check with Tony in real time, so I sent a e-mail and took a chance he would be there. So before I took off on Monday morning, I stopped at the grocery store and bought a bunch of Syracuse based BBQ products. The plan was to use them to bribe Tony into sharing some of his award winning home brew . As I was driving to Iowa, Tony sent me a text message with the bad news.........he was flying to Chicago for the Holidays. Rats!!!! Foiled again.........No home brew!!!!! Hoping for future "beer credits"..........I left the BBQ care package with my sister to take to Tony this week. My nephew is getting married this coming summer in Tony's town....................maybe the third time will be a charm
    1 point
  7. Mac, I remember it well also, the bank official I was dealing with looked at me as if I was walking into a trap when I requested to send that amount of money by wire transfer over seas. Boom Boom Red Flag All's well that ends well.
    1 point
  8. Darn It All Tony......I drove thru Chicago on Friday......should have joined you at the tasting . I believe my nephew's wedding is May 23, 2020.
    1 point
  9. Welcome Benobas. Your story is very similar to mine where I wrestled with the commitment to buy for about 4 years for exactly the same reasons. Very pleased to have purchased a couple of months ago and I'm still having a lot of fun trying different cooks. I see that rib on the bone looked pretty tasty. Keep posting your cooks and I'll share what I can on this same journey. Where in England are you?
    1 point
  10. Hope the memories remain good and you recover untarnished. My condolences, also
    1 point
  11. Sorry to hear of your loss Aussie. My condolences to you.
    1 point
  12. Haven't seen these before so I thought I'd give em a go. I remember when Lays came out with BBQ chips and vinegar chips as novelties...the evolution revolution continues... and happy to say it brings us these. Grind them up and you got a nice cheesy BBQ Rub for ribs, who knows.
    1 point
  13. I always find them hiding all coiled up in the wood pile and even though their non-poisonous they still give me creeps. Something must have changed...as I remember as a kid we use to turn rocks over looking for them, grabbing them and putting them in a bag. We sold them at the local Pet store...at 7 years old we had no fear.
    1 point
  14. “Walk around a snake like you are a branch blowing in the breeze” Is he kidding? I’m running....... after a 5 second snake dance. Everyone knows the snake dance. World wide it’s exactly the same, kinda like running on the spot with high knees but not getting far enough away. Then the brain kicks in and says you are not moving fast enough, revving high, but still in neutral. So you put it in gear and take off. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
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