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  1. Excited about my purchase. Looking forward to learning from all the experts on this forum. Awaiting delivery to NJ and VT. Hopefully the 21" will be on the June boat.
    6 points
  2. This working from home lark makes it easier to do mad things like this. Cooked a 500g batch of corn Tuesday morning, ground it to make wet masa yesterday morning and then left it in the dehydrator for a few hours. Trays below show the dehydrated results. Got back to it this morning and ground a full batch in my small spice/coffee grinder this morning. I did try the blender but the result wasn't as fine. 400g of masa harina from 500g of corn. Will store in the freezer to keep it fresh (as per advice from Anson Mills for their freshly milled products). U
    5 points
  3. My butcher called me today and asked me how to prepare it. We had a lengthy conversation about it, I’ve known this butcher 20+ years no joke. He’s gotta cut it so I can basically spatchcock it and we discussed head on vs off. I plan to cook it on its belly, back up the first few hours then flip it and sauce/mop it a la Rodney Scott to finish it. My concern was when I flipped it and out the stomach facing up that it would not lay flat with the head on. My butcher assured me it would lay just fine with the head and that when he was cleaning it out it was laying find on it’s back/stomach up now the dilemma I’m facing is whether to put the rub and inject it early or just do it day of/morning of. Picking it up tomorrow cooking it early Sunday. Planning for 6-7 hours at 225. butcher said the pig weighs exactly 24 lbs went shopping today got all Ingredients but switched out the Angel food cake & strawberry desert with bread pudding & French vanilla ice cream, added a green bean dish and added a fruit salad 10 dishes (including pig) plus 3 homemade sauces. My wife thinks I’m nuts, but I think I can pull it off
    4 points
  4. I suspect it’s going to be great Troble. An amazing menu!! Sounds like a busy day....would love to see some pictures. And, I agree with Basher, a lot of really good eats to be picked off the head. Best of luck.
    3 points
  5. Thanks @MacKenziei plan to do the sauces Friday so they can take a long time to thicken up. Soak the beans overnight Friday night, then do the beans and Mac & cheese saturday, put them into a foil tray and cover them in the fridge Sunday I’ll do the hog early, then the watermelon & cucumber salad, cornbread, fruit salad, Coleslaw & bread pudding while the pig cooks. take the pig off and while it rests heat the beans and Mac & cheese in the KK.....serve it all sounds easy on paper!
    3 points
  6. My Cobalt Pebble is on the boat
    2 points
  7. Aha! Yes, I have watched the series, I just didn't remember Rodney's name. I really enjoyed it, thanks for the reminder. Yes, of course I wasn't expecting you to take my "feedback" as gospel. I just wondered about the difference in the type and size of animal that Rodney is dealing with when compared to yours and the tools he has when he comes to turn his cooks. I'll make a point of watching it with my pork chop dinner tonight. Yum.
    2 points
  8. She loves you for it, I'm sure. Looking forward to pics of the piggy when you get it home.
    2 points
  9. Picked her up. 24 lbs. fits in the KK perfectly. Going to try my method of starting on stomach and then flipping to finish and baste but we’ll se how it goes. Also need to pop the eyeballs out before cooking 😀 Very happy that it fits in my fridge as well
    1 point
  10. Welcome Lila. There is a handful of us who had grills on the ship that docked about three weeks ago, and now we're all waiting on our delivery days. I spend more than a few minutes each day reading both the new and older posts. Lots of information on here, and it is also interesting to see how the KK has evolved the last several years, many of the improvements are the direct result of suggestions from members that Dennis has implemented into new designs. Though I have never seen one in person, I believe I have made a pretty good investment.
    1 point
  11. @tekobo I appreciate your feedback but that’s my working plan as of the moment. I’m not against cooking it on its belly the entire time but my ideal cook would involve a flip and mop/baste. I won’t know if that possible until I get the pig home and see how easily I can maneuver it, I would likely have to do the flip by myself so that may not even be possible but as I sit here this morning before I’ve picked up the pig that’s the plan. Once I pick it up I plan to put it on the grill to confirm the size and see how easy it is for me to lift and maneuver it then I’ll finalize my cook plan. also @tekoboif you have not watched this series on Netflix yet you absolutely must. The Rodney Scott episode is my 2nd favorite after the Lennox Hastie episode. It’s truly inspiring you’d love it https://www.netflix.com/title/81292974?s=i&trkid=13747225&clip=81261408 @Basherno sacks will be used. Going to foil the ears and snout and take it from there I’m gonna pick up the little piggy in about 3 hours from now so I’ll post some pics later today
    1 point
  12. I vote for head on Troble. 2 reasons The head will help anchor the body in your desired cooking position And, lots of desirable meat to be picked off the head. As long as it fits. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  13. Sorry for the delay, I use the 42 for pizzas, slow cooks like butts, or big cuts. I use the 21 the rest of the time but I love both.
    1 point
  14. Wow, great idea. Every time I feel insecure that I'm just not as committed as tekobo, I think back on the Tomato estrattu dehydrator I built a couple of summers ago, and I relax. We love to sous vide potatoes (cold water to 185 F = 85 C for up to two hours) then chill them, then dry them before browning in ghee. The dehydrator is great for the drying step. Making my own masa harina? Wow.
    1 point
  15. Just another addition to Tekobo’s international restaurant menu. Well done. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  16. Truly inspiring @tekobo very happy for your success. I’m still sticking with driving 15 minutes to pick up some fresh pressed tortillas from my local Mexican markets but you’re well on your way to being featured on “Taco Chronicles U.K.” I’m certain
    1 point
  17. For some reason the search function doesn’t seem to be working this week, when you go to page 2 it gives you an error but I stayed up till 1:30am watching various YouTube videos on cooking a suckling pig. Feel better but still unsure if I’m going to chop the head off and butterfly it or not, will have to see what it looks like tomorrow when I pick it up
    1 point
  18. You have more gumption that me! I'd never tackle anything this involved.
    1 point
  19. Forrest and Basher, many thanks!! I knew someone would have an answer out there. Really appreciate you both taking the time to set me straight!!
    1 point
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