We went without a drip pan for about 25 minutes then 2 hours with the drip pan. And my temp stayed a solid 380 the entire cook. When i did open it to insert the drip pan i did it fast but also closed down the vents just a little so the fire wouldn't run away from me. Then as mentioned earlier we removed the drip pan for the last 15 minutes. For the 3 to 3.5 pounder I would think you may only need 30 minutes with the drip pan. We pulled this off with an internal temp of about 125 on one end and 135 on the other. The carry over took care of bringing the lower side up to 140. And the side that carried over higher than my target of 140 was still really good. The only thing i will do different next time is leave out the smoke pot for better fire control. And maybe pay better attention to the fire ,instead of paying all of my attention to my guest, while we were cooking. But we did have 2 hours to fill while it was cooking