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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/30/2021 in all areas

  1. Ha ha ha ha. We'll turn you into a multi KK house yet.... Our friends raved about @RokDok's beer. Most of the stash he had brought for The Husband to enjoy was happily consumed by the unplanned guests who dropped in on Saturday night. And before @DennisLinkletter rocks up to tell us off for showing him pics of uncooked food on KKs, here are the pics I took later on of the cook on the 23. I had to move one of the chooks down a level and that got @RokDok thinking that I might need another KK with even more space. Good thinking BatMan? I can just taste those fat soaked potatoes...
    5 points
  2. Thanks Tekobo. I cooked a rotisserie chicken a few weeks ago and Mrs RD said that, altho it was OK, it was nowhere near as good as cooked by her in the oven indoors. When I mentioned this to Tekobo a gauntlet whizzed past my ear. So, chicken the first way was "Pollo al Matone" - Chicken in a brick - T had bought some brined chicken, spatchcocked one, seasoned it and placed it it a shallow terracotta dish with a loose (very loose) lid which compressed the chicken. The second way was simply placing a trussed chicken ( one that she had brought over from Italy ) - into a small metallic baking tray, and placed these into her 23", thus : Note - over direct heat but high up. Two other chicken ( ready brined too) were rotisseried indirectly on the 32" with the foil wrapped single bottomed tray beneath. Meanwhile, the double bottomed drip tray was in the kitchen over a moderate heat on the stove and par-boiled potatoes were tossed in goose fat. The single bottomed tray was removed and the double bottomed tray with the potatoes were put in under the chicken to cook and crisp. , Finally the chicken were given a direct blast over the direct heat to brown up Meanwhile Sharkey was in the kitchen reducing some stock and wine for a delicious gravy and the runner beans that had been picked earlier were boiled. The chicken in the 23" were simply delicious - moist and lots of juices in the terra-cotta. The rotisserie chicken was moist and delicious - potatoes yummy and crisp - of course accompanied by appropriate beverage. We didn't eat four chicken - Tekobo had prepared an extra one for a friend nearby whose husband was unwell and so they too had a delicious meal. Mrs RD was converted, and it was my turn to be grilled as to why I hadn't achieved results like this.A kind of peace was restored when I suggested it was because I didn't have enough KKs.
    4 points
  3. Yup, that's the money shot. It was my reference picture when i decided to go for autumn nebula for my new KKs.
    4 points
  4. The perfect weekend. Scaring friends by introducing them to Mr and Mrs RD as "people we met on the internet" AND seeing our new friends disappear down a rabblt hole head first. It was lovely to see the RDs again and we had another fun weekend. It's great. I have a family issue and the Dok in RokDok helped me better understand what might be happening and prepared me for my conversations with my Dad's doctor. The Brew in BrewDok helped me with my very first attempt at making cider. Both very much worth the price of entry to this friendship which was RD moving up to a 32 KK on our recommendation. Hurrah!
    4 points
  5. A new butcher shop opened a few minutes from my house today 😁 I just grabbed a few sausages, garlic/cheese and some sweet Italian. So nice to have more options close by
    4 points
  6. Mrs RD & I had a fabulous weekend staying with @tekobo and @Sharky in their lovely home. Our culinary experience is mainly UK / Europe / Indian / S.E.Asian and @tekobo was once again about to open our eyes to things new. Mexico beckoned - @Troble has already excited us with his accounts of Mexican cuisine just south of the border and when things have settled a bit - that is going to be our next long haul backpack destination. We arrived to find this sitting in the 32" : ( Sorry the pic was taken as we were about to tuck in ) Veal Short Ribs. ( We'd had delightfully seared tuna loin as a starter ) This was to be the tortilla filling. @tekobo and been lured to the burrow entrance by @Syzygies, and had clearly emerged triumphant. The corn kernels had been cooked and treated with lime and prepared to go into the recommended Indian made roller grinder to make the tortilla dough. Here's a picture of it in action , with Mrs RD gazing into it as if it were a crystal ball. It's her birthday next year - maybe my choice of present has been made easier. We were introduced into the ways of the tortilla press and the result was just amazing. Tekobo gave us a packet of Maseca and lent us a tortilla press from her collection and as the haze lifted we saw this rabbit hole....... Three-Way Chicken was a friendly bet which will have to wait for the moment as there is a break in the weather and I need to sort he vegetables out and harvest the hops.... Cheers RD
    3 points
  7. Super sweet of you to plan to cook this even though you don't like it. The best news is that you don't need to like anchovies when they are cooked this way. They "melt" into the meat, leaving great flavour and much less of the strong taste that you may dislike. I don't mash mine to a paste, I just poke holes in the lamb and stuff anchovy and slivers of garlic in alternate holes. Works out great every time.
    3 points
  8. Dennis sent a photo of the Terra Blue pebbles on a smoker. I'm sure he won't mind me sharing so here it is... If he does mind I'll be banned for life here, so it was nice knowing you all!
    2 points
  9. @RokDok - I just have the one plant of Cascade. It's about 15 years old now. That bucket full was air-dried for 5 days and I put them up in vacuum bags today - got 5 oz of dried. Those chickens all look amazing! I haven't done a matone in a long time. Got me thinking. I have a whole bird in the freezer.
    2 points
  10. Nice setup tekobo. That rolling cabinet with the marble looking top looks great in the mix too. And BIGSHEP, my other Komodo was bronze tiles...looking for something different this time.
    2 points
  11. Sort of @tony b, yours look a hell of a lot longer than mine - I filled two of the plastic containers - total weight was about 3 kg - that's about half the fuggles. Got the East Kent Golding and then the Cascade to do. It takes ages - almost 3 hours to pick those - final trsualt goes down the hatch a bit quicker than that. Note how there KK is keeping an eye on things. What type are yours ?
    2 points
  12. You mean like this?? Picked these over the weekend. That's a 3 gallon bucket. Maybe 25% of what's on the plant?
    2 points
  13. Was in a bit of a rush for dinner last night, so I bopped on over to the supermarket to grab something in the butcher counter to toss on the KK, when I spotted this - Flamin' Hot Cheetos crusted, stuffed & bacon-wrapped chicken breasts (stuffing is cream cheese & jalapenos). Just had to hit it! Direct, main grate, 325F, apple wood chunk. Plated with melting potatoes and a side salad (yummy yellow tomato!)
    2 points
  14. I have a jar of filets in my fridge. They keep like forever if you keep them covered in oil. The paste comes in a tube, like toothpaste, so it might be easier to use than filets. Look for it in the supermarket where they sell the canned sardines. However, the filets are very tender and are easy to smash into a paste.
    2 points
  15. Tony, that is a stunning pix. I love it.
    1 point
  16. Jacquie, that sounds wonderful, let's hope Dennis has that option.
    1 point
  17. Don't tell me Tony is still pushing tiles, I guess what they say is correct, you can't teach a retired engineer new tricks.
    1 point
  18. Sorry to hear that you missed out on that opportunity, but you'll be just as happy (maybe more so) with the one that you pick out for yourself, despite the delay! (Hint, Hint - Dark Autumn Nebula tiles cook best!) 😄
    1 point
  19. That will be quite the way to start the new year off, Pouchie.:)
    1 point
  20. Someone cancelled their order so I purchased their 32" that was already on it's way to California. The previous buyer changed his mind again and decided he wanted the 32" after all. So now I'm back to square one. If there's any good news to this is that I can pick tiles or pebbles and the color I want now. The bad news is that instead of getting in at the end of October, it'll be closer to New Years Day.
    0 points
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