Jake, I'm a big fan of "Rum and Cook" - thanks for doing it. Your spatchcock chicken recipe rocks, and I loved the pork butt (yoder vs KK), etc. Those comparison ones are good. Loved your review on the cordless looftlighter. Even though you had the tube turned around backwards, your video on the cold smoker for the KK gave me an informative intro. My favorite is the one where you just tell people how to light the fire (Dennis's people actually sent that one out in my intro e-mail along with the KK manual before my KK got to me.). I'm not a beginner at Kamado cooking, but I like your beginner videos. Like the one about how you clean your KK - I bought some of the zep degreaser that you recommended for the outside of the KK before it even arrived. Been using it - It works awesome. While considering responding to this post, I just popped onto youtube. Haven't been there in a while due to just being busy. I saw you had some new ones for brisket and pork butt - need to check those out. I get something from almost all your videos. Just keep going, man.
Thanks again.