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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/2022 in all areas

  1. 4 points
  2. Sent Doug from the Naked whiz some of this latest container's coco char to test and I'm thrilled that it was the all time best in two categories.. "The amount of powder/dust/granules in the bottom of the bag was stunningly small, a mere 2 grams for the smaller USPS box and 18 grams for the larger box sent by UPS. (A new world record in both cases.)" "the volume of ash produced was the lowest we have ever tested, lump or coconut!" http://www.nakedwhiz.com/lumpdatabase/lumpbag152.htm
    2 points
  3. 1 point
  4. Hi, I have not had any issues with the heat and La Chamba cookware. When I am doing high heat cooks I put the cookware into the KK or WFO from the beginning so that it warms up as the fire builds. I work on the basis that sudden temp change is the issue and that the cookware can withstand high temps as long as the approach is gradual.
    1 point
  5. @mstang1988 I was led astray by others on this forum who bought La Chamba cookware. @Syzygies and @MacKenzie if I remember rightly. You know who you are! My turn to lead someone astray. I bought that dish from this company: https://www.mytoque.com/pages/chamba-cookware Here is the link to my post showing the items I bought:
    1 point
  6. Moose burgers for dinner yesterday 😁 Finished with lettuce tomato onion and homemade pickles, all fresh from the garden except the tomato as it seems to be a slow tomato year so far
    1 point
  7. Looking good @Aussie Ora. I made the mistake of putting two bone in shoulders on the spit. You can guess what happened. They got very tender and one of them fell off and into the fire! Looking forward to seeing your end result. Rolled and boned is the way to go!
    1 point
  8. Yum Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  9. Best advice = load up that pallet with as many boxes of cocochar and coffee wood charcoal as it will hold. Cheapest shipping cost you will ever get. I have a tendency to "hoard" my cocochar and only use it on very long cooks - butts & briskets. So a box will last me quite a long time. YMMV
    1 point
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