I use All-Clad Copper Clad (a discontinued line) and Bourgeat almost exclusively or when I don't, I am using cast iron. All the copperware has stainless steel liners, except for one Irish skillet which has a nickel lining. I checked out tin lined but quickly determined its inherent limitations were not for me. Nor were Mauviel copperware, at least those made at the time I was buying.
The All-Clad has stainless steel handles, which stay cool. The various Bourgeat have cast iron handles, which do not stay cool. Bourgeat is what I use when temperature control is critical as it has a thicker copper layer; the All-Clad for day-to-day. However, Bourgeat copperware is incredibly heavy so just be prepared if you go that direction. Brass handles are a good way to go to the emergency department for burn care /s.
My cookware is "vintage", I bought most of it 30+years ago and still use it daily. Copper does require cleaning, but so do many things. I find a great deal of satisfaction in using high quality tools, whether cookware, KKs, woodworking and hand tools, and glassware. YMMV, as TonyB often says.