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  1. It's a good combo, that or the Thermoworks Billows with damper. Those seem to be the two most of the folks here use now.
    2 points
  2. Perfect! I am just sowing my seeds here in the UK so I will track down some Huacatay and maybe the Aji Amarillo so that I have the ingredients ready for when you reveal your new and improved recipe. I do already have a LOT of chilli plants underway so I am less sure about the Aji but we'll see if we can fit that in. Looking forward to joining you on this journey!
    2 points
  3. You can certainly let t ramp up to 600F. However, it may get a bit high and not come back down to your desired temp in time. This is why I switched my method. A nice even layer of hot coals across the entire basket seems to work well. https://tmgpits.com/products/tmg-torch-charcoal-chimney
    1 point
  4. @Dennis I had similar problems for a while when I first got my KK. It was super frustrating for me. However, I found a very simple solution. I know fill a charcoal chimney with lump. Once the lump is red hot, and going strong, I pour those hot coals over the entire charcoal basket. I can now burn a complete basket of lump and avoid these dead spots. For small cooks it isn't too big of an issue. I had the most issues on longer cooks where I needed the whole basket to burn and it wouldn't. I also now only use the Fogo Premium; not XL. Sometimes those XL chunks just wouldn't burn.
    1 point
  5. I feel like there are issues here which are perhaps not being completely understood by those commenting? The charcoal in Dennis' short rib cook did not extinguish- his only concern is that the burn was uneven. As Dennis L has said, in a low and slow/ indirect cook there is no reason to be concerned about how even a burn is... the end result is exactly the same. The heat distribution is even in an indirect cook- the whole KK is heat soaked, and which bits of charcoal are lit doesn't much matter. I've certainly never sat there 'reading the charcoal' after a long low and slow cook! As Dennis L has said- different issue if you are cooking with direct heat when you are grilling over the charcoal. In that case you've usually lit lots of spots, and things progress hot and fast, and you can see the fire (as you are grilling), so you won't have a problem! I've only ever had a single episode of my charcoal actually going out on a low and slow cook (a different issue from Dennis' problem above). In that case it was a low and slow cook, and I had lit a fist full of charcoal roughly 1/3rds from the left edge of the basket- and quite bizarrely it burnt gradually towards the left of the basket, and having burnt all of the charcoal in that spot, then there was no way back to get to the other 2/3rds of the basket.... So now I'm more likely to light towards one edge when cooking low and slow (especially if overnight when I never get up to check!)
    1 point
  6. Charcoal is illusive, finding a store brand with the idea it's going to be a reliable source might be hard to match up to all your expectations in the KK. A fresh open bag vs one open and sitting to the humid air is a concern, but another of a better quality may give you better results. Also, positioning...taking the time to orient your coals so they catch from one to the other is sometime over looked for just a quick dump in the hopper. It's best to distribute medium size pieces to large for long cooks and adjust because your airflow is on your side.
    1 point
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