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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/2019 in Posts

  1. Dear All I thought I'd share a story with my KKC, that's Komodo Kamado Conspirators as I now know you all. 😎 You may have seen a recent post where I said I was planning an outdoor kitchen. I was thinking of selling my 19" to make way for a 23". I know, I was foolish. It was blasphemous. Having spent some time on the forum and listening to the advice of all here, I have arrived at the following conclusions: 1. It would be a bad idea to part with the 19". 2. I need a 32BB. 3. Getting your wife drunk is apparently a proven strategy for gaining agreement to get a larger size KK. So, I've put the order in to Dennis and we're just sorting out paperwork. Can't wait. I can't comment on 3. 😮 Thanks to everyone for the advice and answering my questions. Unboxing video and the arrival fanfare will of course be shared. Alex
    8 points
  2. Those are the same choices that I was stuck on, there is just something about the matte black I like. The contrast with the stainless is really nice. When I started looking at KKs the cobalt blue pebble wasn’t available and I was dead set on matte black pebble. Decided I needed to buy one this year and the matte black pebble was available for immediate purchase so I jumped on it. Glad I did. The cobalt blue looks amazing in photos and I am sure is stunning in person. Seriously no bad choice here!
    2 points
  3. Working through the burn in today, started at about noon. Uneventful thus far. A few areas venting but nothing substantial. I did get a few photos of the first setup.
    2 points
  4. LOL on #3. That was my thread and I asked to have it deleted because I felt like it was going to come back and bite me. Congrats! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  5. HURRAY!!! We know that we're all enablers on this site! But, no one's seriously complained - yet! LOL!!
    2 points
  6. MMMMMM, enjoy your holiday. I will PM you to ease through this meandering contract and consult with my Atty. I see no rush and a little research may prove worthy, besides you have full plate with getting the recipe grillin site up and producing with Alex. I'll be back
    1 point
  7. I’m definitely gonna take some pics and share it with y’all. So Bruce where are u living now?
    1 point
  8. Favorite photo of the day, the BGE knows retirement is imminent!
    1 point
  9. I'll get something posted up eventually. Almost everything around me is fried but I'm just not willing to deep fry in the KK.
    1 point
  10. Congratulations!!! My KK is arriving tomorrow.
    1 point
  11. Will have to ponder some personal entries. Might duke it out with ckreef over best shrimp & grits recipe! LOL
    1 point
  12. Thanks Dennis. @tekobo we need to get thrillin' with the grillin'
    1 point
  13. Honey, that's as Down Home as it gets for me! Toss in some peach cobbler and homemade vanilla ice cream and we're in hog heaven!
    1 point
  14. YEP!! Got a KK32 in cobalt blue tile ordered. Can't wait to get it.
    1 point
  15. I guess living in bum f*&# nowhere GA, USA my contributions could be shrimp and grits, and fried green tomatoes - LOL
    1 point
  16. I'm liking calling it "Home Style" - so you can showcase recipes from wherever you call "Home."
    1 point
  17. Well, when it rains all day, you go to Plan B. Lobster roll (butter poached lobster w/tarragon, thyme and Old Bay) and shrimp salad (butter poached shrimp with a mayo dressing of dill, chives, red onion, celery and Old Bay). Both seafoods were cooked sous vide. Paired with homemade potato chips cooked in the air fryer, with rosemary olive oil, Old Bay and flaked sea salt. So what pairs with that – Bubbly! Trader Joe’s bubbly is decent and it’s like $13!
    1 point
  18. Don't get me wrong, I still like cooking in fat, too. Last night it was "melting potatoes" in duck fat!
    1 point
  19. Today I had the chance to try Tony's chips. I loved them, so much better than buying a greasy bag of overly salted chips. These chips have very little salt and very skimpy with the oil. You get to add the spices you like in the amount you like. My air fryer can't be set at 330F so I used 325F and extended the time to 16mins. Yesterday I made a batch of roasted carrot hummus and loved it. Roasted the carrots and garlic on the KK. I thought the chips and hummus would go together but they didn't, the hummus overpowered the chips. The good news is the hummus is wonderful with bagel crisps. It is important to do small batches of chips, they need to be dry and crispy when taken out of the air fryer or they will end up soggy, better to over cook than to under cook. Thanks again, Tony, this recipe is a real keeper.
    1 point
  20. So it is done. The piece had to be taken completely apart, re:drilled with new larger biscuits, and the legs were trashed, then replaced with new stock. The color scheme was changed and handles were added for bar towels and to easily aid in transport with two people, then a couple of new/old signs were added. Bottle openers were placed on every corner and the inside was cleaned throughout. That tank on the inside was first described as galvanized steel but when it wouldn't hold a magnet it turned out to be solid copper with a tin covering. The soldering covering all the exposed edges were so well done and waterproof no repairs were needed. Backyard furniture that will serve a purpose. While that was going on I um, made a brother to keep it company. This is a cooking table for cast iron made from wood and covered with a 1/8 or 3/16 in sheet of bronze on the top. Generally you find them made simply all from metal but I happened across some marinite board and used that as a heat shield under the bronze. Any wood contact with the bronze was insulated with woven glass gasket covering. Marinite board is a product looking similar to gypsum board but it is a calcium silicate. The similarities stop at appearence because a 4x8 sheet of this runs around $750. No worry, I acquired it from a trustworthy source for change. When I showed my wife the addition she replied, "What a nice bar." Well, I thought ok, a bar and a cooking surface. I have plenty of marinite, so a piece will be cut to protect the bronze surface when cooking is needed and removed to act as a bar otherwise. Backyard furniture with some technical additions.
    1 point
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