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Everything posted by Ducaticraig

  1. Re: Forestlumps charcoal My first impression after opening the charcoal, I would say there is a noticeable amount of smaller pieces. I used a mix of medium and smaller pieces in my sear basket and temp came up quickly. I grilled some drumsticks and the lump flavor was good. KK kept 400 degrees for about 3 1/2 hours. Charcoal was easy to get started. I was happy with the flavor and was glad it did not impart a fuel taste some other charcoals do When I asked about the composition of different sizes of lump here was Forestlumps response. In few boxes out of a batch of 200 -300 there can be on average a greater portion of small pieces. We sort and try to give the Small 20%, Medium 50% and Large 30%; within that never greater than 10% CHIPS and DUST. *We are just getting our packing facility better organized and I promise that smaller pieces is definitely the lower portion in the overwhelming majority of boxes.* During my promotion I have opened hundreds of boxes and have also seen that in a batch only a few are with more small pieces. It is the anomaly that this will happen. We are trying to take our sorting to the highest level. Please let me know if it occurs more than randomly. n67501
  2. Re: Forestlumps charcoal Forest lumps is currently having a sale on lump charcoal. $12.50 per box. Check out their site. Site says free shipping but was later told that was prior to the sale price I have 2 boxes just have see what's inside. Will breakout some forestlump today and grill up some drumsticks and chicken breasts. Send me a PM with your email address and I forward you the Forestlump email with the sale information. Rebranding clearance sale! 50% OFF!!! Dear FORESTLUMPS CUSTOMER, ATTENTION ALL FORESTLUMPS ENTHUSIASTS, RETAILERS and CHAMPS we are having a Rebranding clearance sale! ALL STOCKS ON HAND "FORMER BRAND LABELING" (currently we have 30 pallets available), MUST BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY TO CLEAR THE WAY FOR NEW STOCKS WITH "NEW IMAGE BRAND LABELING". PER bOX ------------------------------------------------------------ $12.50 PER BOX (PREVIOUS PRICE $23.50 PER BOX) BUYER IS CHARGED WITH HANDLING AND SHIPPING PER pALLET ------------------------------------------------------------ 54 BOXES = $475.00 THIS IS 8.80 PER BOX (PREVIOUS PRICE $23.50 PER BOX) BUYER IS CHARGED WITH HANDLING AND SHIPPING
  3. Re: Vent Settings Gary, send me a PM with you email address and I will send you the KK manual with the temp setting page. Craig Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  4. Re: Bacon Cook - VIDEO Is pork belly really all that good? I'm more of a thin slice bacon kind of guy so buying store bought bacon has been just fine. I can't even imagine what you are saying is even better? Next thought that comes to mind, is eating all that bacon good for you? My arteries are hardening just thinking off all that delicious pork belly. I might just have to try cooking one. That is cooking a small one.
  5. Re: Forestlumps charcoal I have not tried forestlumps but am trying Real Montana Lump and Carbon de Luna. Hope I spelled that one correctly. The second lump charcoal I purchased from amazon. I will get back to everyone on those. Just ordered 2 boxes of forestlump so we'll see how good it is. It's kind of fun looking for good charcoal. God only knows I found some crap out there.
  6. Re: Nathans Famous Hotdogs Robert, I scrub the grates clean after each use. Just kidding! That was the first time I used the lower grate. I've always used the main or one right below the main grate. The closer I get to the fire the more I'm starting to like grilling my steaks. Soon I may just lay the steak right on the charcoal.
  7. Re: Help putting this thing together!! Please know Dennis is Traveling. He is not staying at any one place long so he may have limited or no access to the forum to help answer your questions. One thing I can promise you is Dennis will take care of your Roti and any other issue but in the meantime fire it up and enjoy. Just make sure not to open the bottom and top vent all the way at the start of the initial burn in. Follow the initial burn as provided on this site or in the new owner manual. Enjoy and we're here to help you if you still need help. I will send you the KK manual if you don't already have it.
  8. Re: Steak Tips That is great news, I will have to give that a try. It's refreshing to see people try new things and share their story with everyone. I really appreciate your response. When using the basket at half the depth do you still notice the quicker rise in temperature?
  9. I'm not sure how famous these hotdogs are but they sure tasted good. While I only cooked three dogs it was nice to use the lower grate for the first time. Time to start cooking steaks off the lower grate as well. It's fun to fire up the KK for everything. Actually I fired up the KK to burn up the rest of the charcoal sitting in the basket so I can give it a good cleaning in the AM. Happy 4th of July to all.
  10. Re: Steak Tips NormStar, I don't know about you but I love my basket splitter. I use it for steaks and chicken but have not grilled using your mentioned. Definitely have to give it a try. I add charcoal to half the basket and turn the basket so the charcoal is facing the back of the KK. This way when I grill steaks and reach into the KK the fire/flames are at the back half of the KK. No more worries of fire burning the arm hairs. . For the peeps that don't care for the black bark on their steaks you can place your steaks a little over to the side of the basket without the lit charcoal and use a more indirect method of grilling. With the splitter sear basket you have options on how you want to grill your steaks. This is not to say you don't have options without it. I've been using the lower grate for grilling but am curious to try your method. Thanks for your post. One thing I really like about the sear basket option is how quickly the KK comes up to temp. I believe Dennis mentioned you get double the airflow using the splitter. The first thing I noticed was how much quicker the temperature rose in the KK when using the splitter while also using less charcoal. Anyone else notice this when using the basket splitter? If you don't have one I highly recommend getting one. While off the splitter topic I'm also looking forward to grilling some steaks using a cast iron griddle in the KK. Can we get some current posts to the forum of people grill using CI? Thanks Have a nice day everyone! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  11. Re: Smoking wood How's the wood working out for you? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  12. Re: Coming to the States, on Holiday with Family I met with Dennis while out in California and all I can say is what a great person. Dennis is so passionate about making sure the Komodo Kamado is the best cooking vessel around. One of the things we talked about was the forum and how he gets new ideas to improve upon the KK. It's us, forum users, that help give Dennis many of the new ideas for his upgrades/improvements. While our visit was short I also got a chance to meet his wife and son, what a nice and beautiful family. I'm not someone who gets star struck when seeing someone famous but meeting Dennis, the man behind the Komodo Kamado, was really something special and meant a lot to me. He's truley an amazing, generous, and kind person who has an unbelievable passion for his family, the Komodo Kamado, and people/customers. I feel honored to have gotten the chance to meet and talk with Dennis in person. If you ever get a chance to meet or talk with him I'm sure you'll feel the same.
  13. Re: Hello - Off the fence - Got my KK and ready to learn it Congratulations, now take a picture of your KK and backyard and post them to this site. Time to show off your new KK and yard!
  14. Re: Coming to the States, on Holiday with Family Dennis, where in the states will you be?
  15. Re: My32" KK coming together! Yahoo!! You did good on your color choice. One thing I know for sure is you're one lucky person to own a 32" KK. When my KK grows up it wants to be a 32" KK. Enjoy your new purchase and make sure to post pictures of your first cook.
  16. I cooked a Pork Loin and seasoned it similarly for cooking on both the KK and my Mak 2 Star pellet grill. Cooking temp was around 275-300 degrees and pulled the meat off the grills at 145'. I used Hickory pellets on the Mak and Oak and Peach wood chunks on the KK. I have to give the KK the win for taste this time around. I think the mix of lump charcoal and the Peach wood gave the meat a slightly better flavor. Each pork loin was seasoned with Maple sugar, garlic salt, pepper, and a little Sweet Money rub. I used MH pork brine for only two hours so I'm not sure if that was enough time to help moisten the pork. After cooking on both grills I forgot to take pictures of the final product on the Mak.
  17. Re: On Memorial Day, thank you. Thank you for the link.
  18. Re: Smoking wood Fruita site explains how to properly store the wood. Follow their site to keep the wood fresh as long as possible. I keep the wood in a cool dry place in the garage. Fruita recommends storing fruit wood in a refrigerator as I recall. Peach wood still smokes nicely with good mild flavor. Smoke aroma on the KK is incredible all by itself. Do follow the site on how not to store the wood as you would not want mold to grow on the wood.
  19. Re: Smoking wood I think you're going to be very happy with the freshness of their fruit wood. All the wood was good but I expecially liked peach.
  20. Ducaticraig


    Finally starting to use my KK and giving the pellet grill a rest. I've been reading such wonderful grilling posts to this forum and decided to start contributing as well. So I grilled a couple Ribeyes on the lower grate with the dome temp around 400 degrees. I used the sear basket which really brings the temp of the KK up quickly. Plus I like being able to move the meat around from hotter to cooler area's on the grate. I seasoned with salt, pepper, and a sprinkle of Tatanka dust which all worked together perfectly. I had so much fun using the KK I'm already looking forward to my next grilling session. Besides grilling some great meals the next best thing about having a KK is just looking at it in amazement. One never gets tired of looking at such a beautiful addition to the yard.
  21. Ducaticraig

    WOW Ribeye

    Re: WOW Ribeye Gazza, always make sure to burp the lid for a few seconds before opening it up all the way and you should not have to worry about the back draft and burning anymore arm hairs. Nice looking Ribeye. Thank for sharing your picture's with us.
  22. Re: Best Ways to cook Hamburgers Now that's one fine looking burger! Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  23. Re: Best Ways to cook Hamburgers I like to cook burgers off the middle grill. Get the meat closer to the burning charcoal. Cooking off the main grill can be done but it will take longer to grill unless you have a raging fire going. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  24. Re: New Big Bad 32 at home in Singapore Serious, Yes! The 23 is plenty big enough for me but having the latest and greatest thing would make me happy. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
  25. Re: New Big Bad 32 at home in Singapore Beautiful, I'm ready to sell my 8 month old 23 Vibrant Blue Pebble with Roti and removable side tables for best offer and then purchase the big 32. Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk 2
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