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Everything posted by Ducaticraig

  1. Gary, the lower the temp the greater the smoke and flavor. You can also buy a pellet tube to add extra smoke to the cook. Many people who compete use them.
  2. Re: More Sear basket fun I agree, I love that thing too. I just have to take some pictures when I'm using it.
  3. Re: My 23" Terra Blue XA 7163 Wow, nice setup. That sure is a nice purchase to go with your KK. KK color is nice too! Enjoy!
  4. Re: Pork Ribs Looks great, thanks for the picture.
  5. Re: KK Covers coming? Thanks Dennis, that's great news for all of us KK owner's. You're the best!
  6. Hey Dennis, John has not been able to make any KK covers, have you had anytime to design your own? I hoping to get one. I hope all is well and look forward to trying one of your covers if you decide to design one. Welcome home!
  7. Re: Honeyed peaches What temp was your KK when you grilled the peaches? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  8. Re: Prime Pork Chops Very nice, I think I see the sear basket below? Love that thing.
  9. Re: Forestlumps charcoal Send an email to the Forestlumps email address above and let them know two out of the six boxes were delivered in decent condition and that there were not many large chunks as advertised. Sent from my GT-N8013 using Tapatalk 2
  10. Re: Grill Grabbers I use the Grill Grabbers purchased from Dennis and really like them. They're just simple to use and make removing the grates rather easy. Give them a try and decide for youself.
  11. Re: Forestlumps charcoal I did use the report button from the forum. Thanks for the info. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  12. Re: Heat/Ash Shield -- which way is up? Correct, the ash shield is an update for the screen. The ash screen is not provided with newer sold KK's. If a newer KK is delivered with an ash screen it was done so in error.
  13. Re: Charcoal choices? Thanks for everyone's response. I like hearing what other KK owners are using for charcoal, fun accessories, smoking wood, and in another post how the splitter sear basket was being used. This forum really feels like I have a second family in my life. Thanks everyone for being so helpful providing great KK information.
  14. Re: More Sear basket fun Loquitur wrote: Just want to point out that using the horizontal basket splitter at half depth allows you to maintain the same distance from the top of the coals to the sear grill as full depth with half the charcoal. If you just use half the amount of charcoal without the horizontal splitter in place, you have significantly increased the distance from the top of the coals to the sear grill changing the nature and timing of your sear. This is an important feature to me since I like to sear very close to the coals on the sear grill. If you like to sear on the lower grill or mostly cook on the main grill, it probably doesn't make much difference whether you use the half depth splitter pieces. EXCELLENT RESPONSE TO MY POST! I really like the basket splitter. Just have not tried the different setup options yet. Thanks for the informstion.
  15. Re: Charcoal choices? Doc, what charcoal do you like? Sent from my GT-N8013 using Tapatalk 2
  16. Re: Forestlumps charcoal I think you will like the charcoal. It's pretty good stuff. Let us know your thoughts? Sent from my GT-N8013 using Tapatalk 2
  17. Please reply with what is your favorite lump charcoal and why you like it so much over the rest. I still have a few more brands to test before I give my answer.
  18. Re: More Sear basket fun Normstar, what charcoal are you using in the picture above? I sure like the larger size pieces?
  19. Re: More Sear basket fun Gary, don't get caught up on full depth vs half depth. To accommodate the depth when using the splitter just add more or less charcoal. I can show you all the pieces and how they fit into the basket. Come on over anytime and I will show you the Sear basket splitter and the fun you can have with it.
  20. Re: Tappecue - May be interesting? You are correct, it looks to be just a monitoring temp device that stores a history of the cook.
  21. What is Tappecue? Tappecue is the future of thermometers used by the meat smoking hobbiests who need freedom from the smoke of their smokers. Unlike bluetooth and radio frequency devices that limit the distance you can roam, Tappecue offers no limitation through Wi-Fi enabled probes and a state-of-the-art mobile application, which provides users with freedom to work on home projects, get last minute supplies at the grocery store, or play a game of golf without worry. With Tappecue – You’ll always be one tap away from your barbecue! $199 the Tappecue System comes with the device (pictured to the right), four 6' temperature probes, USB cord, 9V AC Power Supply, FREE mobile apps and FREE subscription to the Tappecue Cloud. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  22. Ducaticraig


    Re: 32'' I have to agree, don't think about it, just do it. It's a purchase you will use for a lifetime. One, you will have the joy of cooking/smoking/grilling off one of the nicest cooking vessels ever made. Two, the new piece of ART you will be adding to the yard/patio will be talked about by everyone you invite over. I even brought a picture of my KK to work. I sometimes have to take the picture down because of the distraction of people coming to my desk to see the KK. Of course when the price is brought up they freak out. That's another issue altogether. It really is amazing to own regardless of whether you get the 32 or 23 KK. I think you will be happy either way. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  23. Re: Forestlumps charcoal Thanks for the laugh. I do like the Forestlumps charcoal and will check a few more of my bags shortly. Mark, from Forestlumps, asked if I notice additional bags with a high quantity of chips and smalls to let him know. He thinks that is not the norm. My guess is I will see just that. Hopefully with the rebranding and new packaging they will improve upon the Quality Control and lessen the smalls, chips, and dust. 30% really sound horrible. Maybe I can have him hire me as a QC inspector and clean up that nonsense. Enjoy the RO, I hear thats some good charcoal as well. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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