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Everything posted by Fetzervalve

  1. I edited above from 350F to 430F, it cooked for 80 mins @430. I apologize to the thousands that got inferior results last night due to my error.
  2. No problem on the measurements, now I have to decide on a color -(and wait to make sure yours fits) Was it tender.... I've only had brisket a couple of times (Famous Dave's), and it has been a while. I'd say yes, but probably not up to Dave's at this point. I'll wait a while and try again, I sucksealed (Food Saver) some for later. I just found this finished picture. I dumped most of a jar of my sister-in-law's home brewed bbq sauce on it (in the foil) for the last 3-4 hours of so.
  3. On the same trip to the raping butcher (see brisket thread) my wife asked for a chuck roll - she was provided what was labeled :::boneless chuck roast:::: same or not - I don't know. Seen here: slapped on as soon as the brisket came off After 19.5 hrs @ 230 - bumped up to 240- 245 when it hit 180 then dropped back a few degrees. Pulled @ 190-191 wrapped @ rested. Pulled - started 11 # - cooked 7.5# pulled out about 1# fat. Again very good overall, not a very deep smoke ring... it was cold when I put it in - thermometer read 38. It had quite a bit of fat/connective tissue still in place, didn't fall apart like the butt did. Should I have left it on longer? Closer to 195(+)?
  4. Here is the subject after it had napped overnight. I did foil it over 140 (shortly after this photo (DJ's idea) and rode it up to 185 - pulled/wrapped and let it sit overnight (10PM - 7AM). Total cook time was around 14hrs. It was my first, so I don't have a yard stick, I would like more smoke flavor, I will add more chunks next time. All in all, I'm marginally satisfied considering the rape it endured at hands of the butcher! Next time, we won't be settling for anything less than a packer!
  5. This is chicken II, this time brined for 12 hours wrapped in Saran for about 10 hrs then roasted (no additional seasoning) on the elevated grill, 2 fist-fulls of Cherry chips, 430 for about 80 mins, (160 in the breast). Direct (is it direct if you don't use a deflector but do use an aluminum drip pan?) I had it pushed near the front edge (the lighter side was near the dome side), I had pushed the charcoal near the back (like I saw here somewhere) I guess I probably could have centered it since I used a drip pan. My wife likes the skin (the crispy stuff) and proclaimed the best wings she has ever had! Overall, a very juicy product, didn't fall off the bone like it could, perhaps a touch lower temp next time...?
  6. Re: Porkchop's Reason's TW - I am still waiting for my samples also.... They were "sent" (by untraceable means) and "lost" - then "sent" again.... still waiting - BTW, I did get the deposit reversed through my credit card. In the mean time, my family has enjoyed several "best ever" (their words) KK creations!
  7. Guru GOOD Glen, I had a Maverick and decided I'd do it the old fashioned way to start out. I had a very looooooong night on my first butt cook. I promptly ordered a Guru (competitor), now I use my Guru and Maverick together for a poor-man's Procomm (I can't change anything, but I don't have to leave the football game to check it either). I just shut the KK down from 34hrs +/- of Guru controlled low and slow, slept like a baby...(I woke up crying and hungry every 4 hours! ) I'll put up some pictures & stuff about the cooks soon...stay tuned. Mark
  8. DJ, The "grain" appears to be running in different directions, (flap to flat)does that mean that the "flap" is part of the point? Signed, brisket virgin....
  9. What's this? Here is the brisket? As you recall the butcher took the liberty to cut off the fat, but included it (no charge!) I open it up and it has this flap, what's up with that? Which is the top, should I cut it off, what is a mother to do??
  10. So, Chop, how do you see the difference between putting the fat back on ( I have it, it has just been cut off) and putting bacon on it? Is it more of a flavor issue?
  11. Coolio, thanks, I had only checked out the brining, not the rest of that site. The brisket is only the flat, they (the meat man) cut off the fat (I haven't seen it yet) but she called me and they put the fat in with it (tied it on).. I'll have to see what I have when I get home. I've read about people cooking a butt over a brisket, do you see any problem doing it with a chuck roll?
  12. Choppy, I read here somewhere you are a veteran of "tons" of brisket. The Mrs. just brought one home, now it's time for you to lay it on me. All your secrets - give it up, the works......please Anyone else can jump in also. BTW - she drug home a chuck roll also, I think I'll be doing them together- any advice is welcome.
  13. Fetzervalve


    I have read some about this and I am preparing to do a brined chicken in the next day or so. I found this link to some good info over @ the BGE board. Maybe you all already know this stuff..... http://www.cookshack.com/barbeque_guide ... ing101.htm
  14. Re: Can I get one more measurement from someone? John, Have you gotten this yet? I sent johnnyboy the prelim measurements a couple of weeks ago... I will do it, but I need a little clarification on this. I don't exactly know how to interpret this "...ground to where the curve on the dome starts"
  15. Here's to a quick recovery DJ. Now I'll be off to Vegas, me & the little (ok pleasingly plump) bridedidn't have not time fer to do a honeymoon.... with all my studyn to be a dokter and all like that See ya in a few days.
  16. It's certainly not a corn fed Iowa Whitetail, they are born bigger than that!!
  17. Fetzervalve


    Re: Little Lady My bad.
  18. What do you mean - low air flow and gas combined?
  19. rorkin, Good suggestions, do you use the view unread posts in the top right hand corner? It is one way to make sure you don't miss any new posts.
  20. Fetzervalve


    If the driver can't be bought, a couple of 2x4s and a couple of guys from work can move it. Slip the 2x4s through the blue rope loops and lift.
  21. Dude - it wasn't so bad, anyone could have the old crate apart in say AN HOUR!!! Great improvement, you just need to make sure they are aware of how to disassemble it before they get it. I found a nifty little crow bar included in my crate, but I didn't find it until I was almost done (I did have my own tools, but it could come in handy) The wood looked like rubber (as in rubber tree) to me.
  22. Re: So did you brine it? Okay, no brine, just season and cook. Did it around 350, I think I threw in a few cherry chips but I have been trying so many new things and I found these pics on the camera from last week......I'm a little hazy. I'll do better next time.
  23. I just upped my fire insurance, the Mrs. wants to remodel the kitchen, maybe we can just get new house!! DJ - I don't anticipate ever using gas only, I was thinking solely of the gas getting the coal hot quicker.
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