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Everything posted by GoFrogs91

  1. Getting to be like chasing Bigfoot CC.
  2. Awesome. I have yet to smoke salmon, but want to. What temp and what wood. How do you determine when to pull?
  3. You don't want to come today. We have your kind of weather right now.
  4. Trying to figure out why CC is holding back. Maybe some sort of grand reveal coming.
  5. Sheer, unadulterated laziness.
  6. Congratulations Clags. Make sure to take pics of your KK in its new resting place and first cook.
  7. Fun watching CC. Reminds me of my own Christmas-like experience opening my 23". Look forward to the rest. Has your better half decided on the first cook?
  8. I haven't seen the unveiling of one of the smaller ones CC. Feel free to get your inner paparazzi on while you are opening and putting together.
  9. Ditto on the MAPP torch. Easy breezy.
  10. Funny. I switched after ordering. As long as it isn't on the way to you from the warehouse, I don't expect that Dennis would have any issues with a change. He wants you to be happy.
  11. Good call on the basket splitter. It is an absolute must. I use it 75% of the time and it makes direct to indirect and reverse searing a breeze.
  12. Congratulations tinyfish. Not sure of your geography, but get that bad boy ordered so you can enjoy it this Spring. Look forward to pics of the first cook. I would also recommend buying the baking stone for pizzas and the teak side tables if it will stand alone.
  13. Ck, You my friend have begun the inevitable descent down the slippery KK slope. A little look at the website. Back to look at pictures of the grills at home section. Take a browse through the tile choices. Look at the different models available in the store section. Start staring at the spot that you would put it on the deck or in the backyard. Maybe throw in a Google search and look at the images you find. Most all of us have been there. Nobody regrets their purchase. Brace yourself. The obsession only gets worse after you order one and you are waiting for it to arrive. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.
  14. Agree completely. I'm good with the original design. I do actually use the doors to add wood after getting to temp.
  15. Nice ride. Better that mid-life indulgence versus some others.
  16. GoFrogs91


    I was thinking the same thing. Mine looks like midnight inside. Great looking pies! Nicely done.
  17. Wow. Great looking pile of ribs. So I'm curious about the shot glasses in the final picture. Is there some Aussie game where you take a shot then eat a rib?
  18. GoFrogs91

    Cha Siew

    Man that looks good
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