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Everything posted by GoFrogs91

  1. Glad you're safe brother. Nice cook.
  2. Hey tiny, is it getting to you yet? You know, the waiting. Excruciating isn't it? Everyone on this forum knows what it's like. I won't tell you that it will be here before you know it......because it won't. Every day sloooooooooowly passes. How many times have you been back to the website after you bought it to look at the pictures? You can tell us. Nobody will know. Welcome.......to........the.......obsession
  3. I like Puff and Drago. Ck, you can call yours Dragonito.
  4. My apologies Ms. MacKenzie.
  5. Ken, save the moment. I'm ratting you out to the Guru site. Let the haters get their knives ready! 😱
  6. Nice pork gents. Well done. Does it feel like you are waiting for Christmas that will never come? After the order is the hardest part. Ck is going to get a quicker resolution due to ordering from stateside stock. To make you feel better, Wilbur's got all the way to the LA port and a fire delayed his delivery. When mine arrived at the house, sigh, wrong color. Had to go back and the replacement took a couple of weeks. Dennis fixed it, as always, but man was that painful to stare at a 23" in the driveway and know you can't open it. Soon boys. Soon.
  7. Woo Hoo!!! Welcome aboard. You are going to love it. Where are you going to put it?
  8. Sometimes I'm just lazy and don't do it.
  9. Whipping the Sooners is going to be like that Bill Murray movie "Groundhog Day". The two little guys in the conference have years of payback to dole out.
  10. GoFrogs91


    The recipe I used has a high percentage of eggs resulting in an almost "light" texture. It's the best description that I can come up with. Kind of the opposite of dense. No plated pics, but my favorite secret for decadent spaghetti and meatballs is to cook the pasta al dente and drain. Return to the cooking pot with butter, salt, pepper, and Parmesan and stir until all is incorporated. Trust me. You won't want much sauce.
  11. Good natured ribbing for CC, not his significant other.
  12. Great contribution ck! You should feel great for adding such an interesting thread to the KK and Guru sites........And everyone loves your cooks. Nice work.
  13. Hey Ken, does that mean you're gaining weight?😉
  14. MacKenzie, are you a new member or one from the past? I haven't seen you post before, but welcome just the same.
  15. Congratulations tinyfish. This will be the longest two months of your life. Enjoy the endless perusing of the KK website as you wait for your grill to land in-country. The worst is to come when you know it is in town, but the local delivery company can't come for a week. In all seriousness, many congrats for joining the club. Though I have owned it for less than a year, I can't tell you how many pleasurable hours that I have spent on my Terra Blue 23". You don't get the secret password and handshake until you post your first cook.
  16. Tick....tock.....tick.....tock.....tick.....tock
  17. I'm letting others do the cooking this week. On vacation.
  18. Great looking cook CC. When does your better half get to use it? 😜
  19. Sure does look good
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